The_young_scot's Comics 12/21/10 - Rotisserie Jesus
12/21/10 - Please play the "Inception Noise" at the end of each panel
12/20/10 - He gets off on rejection
12/15/09 - Das Bullshit
06/05/09 - This is how I handle shit
06/05/09 - Dream on
09/11/08 - The Dark BrokeBack Mountain Knight
09/08/08 - I cheer my friends up
07/10/08 - Kung-Fu Katie
04/26/08 - I'm going to Hell
04/11/08 - Lord of the Star Trek:The Empire strikes back
03/19/08 - Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
03/17/08 - Sometimes I should just stop
03/15/08 - DIY with Dad
03/06/08 - Ted Johnson: Space Hobo
02/27/08 - SITH Offices
02/24/08 - Jobs
02/20/08 - Spartan Trickery
02/19/08 - The Matrix: Revisited
02/02/08 - If I was in: Cloverfield
12/26/07 - Anticipation
12/11/07 - Things you shouldn't shout mid orgasm (Shakespeare edition)
12/11/07 - Things you shouldn't shout mid orgasm (Star Wars edition)
12/02/07 - Things you shouldn't shout mid orgasm
11/22/07 - The Adventures of Dude-Guy
11/17/07 - Kronius: Overlord of Time
11/07/07 - Phil the Wonder Rapist
11/07/07 - Phil the Wonder Rapist: The Movie
11/04/07 - Real Stuff
10/23/07 - The Conspiracy strikes back part deux
10/23/07 - Open Your Door
10/16/07 - The conspiracy strikes back
10/13/07 - Zompocalypse: Scene 9
10/09/07 - Phil the Wonder Rapist
10/06/07 - Phil the Wonder Rapist
10/03/07 - Phil the Wonder Rapist
09/17/07 - How to be an evil bastard
09/16/07 - Strip Tag #4- Some things you can't un-see
08/28/07 - More Injokes!
08/28/07 - Randomly-Appearing-Pedantic-Tobor-Sticks-His-Dick-in-You
08/25/07 - RCL: Tobor is fucking metal
08/24/07 - Strange dreams I've had
08/22/07 - I guess you could call it a "Hard" magnet
08/03/07 - I mashed the random button
07/28/07 - Horoscopes
07/28/07 - Horoscopes
07/28/07 - Horoscopes
07/28/07 - Horoscopes
06/24/07 - If we could tell no lies
05/06/07 - The Adventures of Dude-Guy
05/01/07 - Highway to Hell
04/13/07 - A Recurring theme
04/07/07 - Real Conversations
04/04/07 - The Upcoming Erection
04/02/07 - Random comic
03/21/07 - World of Manrape
03/14/07 - WoW! Ohmygosh!
03/13/07 - CC: 384
02/09/07 - Randomly Appearing Snowman
02/09/07 - Oh the kind things people say
02/03/07 - Randomly Appearing Snowman
01/13/07 - Sometimes I Just Want to Kill
01/10/07 - Psychic Jim
01/01/07 - Randomly Appearing Snowman
12/31/06 - Randomly Appearing Snowman
12/31/06 - Randomly Appearing Snowman
12/18/06 - FTC 102: Template
12/13/06 - Randomly Appearing Snowman
12/13/06 - Sadly A True Story
12/01/06 - Cowboy Physics: The Rebuttal
11/24/06 - Average Morning After
11/19/06 - Boorivytopical
11/15/06 - My Adventures on Xbox Live
11/15/06 - My Adventures on Xbox Live
11/15/06 - My Adventures on Xbox Live
11/01/06 - It's a Taxing Job
09/25/06 - Can you tell I don't watch Star Trek?
09/23/06 - It really does bug me
09/20/06 - The Apple never falls far from the tree
09/17/06 - In the Navy
08/27/06 - Average Night Out
08/26/06 - The Conspiracy
08/26/06 - The Conspiracy
08/26/06 - The Conspiracy
08/26/06 - The Conspiracy
07/03/06 - Upchucking 2: Upchuck With a Vengance
07/03/06 - Upchucking
06/24/06 - Degrees of pain
06/07/06 - Congratulations!
05/31/06 - Why I Don't Like Watching Football With my Dad
05/31/06 - Slightly Exaggerated
05/19/06 - Chat Up Lines
05/12/06 - Slap n' Tickle
03/29/06 - How it all began
03/28/06 - Mutants
03/27/06 - Awkward Conversations
03/24/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/24/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/24/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/24/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/23/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/23/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/23/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/23/06 - Chat Up Lines
03/18/06 - When The Speechbubble Bursts
03/17/06 - 100th Comic
03/16/06 - This Is Terrible
03/07/06 - Things you should never say to Muhammad Ali
03/05/06 - Real conversations
03/05/06 - Real Conversations
03/04/06 - Real Conversations
03/04/06 - /philosophy
02/28/06 - What you REALLY want to say
02/26/06 - Felix & Fido
02/24/06 - University Challenged
02/21/06 - Tard Boy and Finkelman: A Tribute
02/19/06 - Brokeback Physics
02/09/06 - Sadly this happened
02/05/06 - Psychic Jim
02/05/06 - Psychic Jim
02/05/06 - Psychic Jim
02/05/06 - Psychic Jim
02/03/06 - Psychic Jim
02/03/06 - Psychic Jim
02/03/06 - Psychic Jim
02/02/06 - Psychic Jim
02/02/06 - Psychic Jim
02/02/06 - Psychic Jim
01/30/06 - BTC 48 Template
01/21/06 - Psychic Jim
01/20/06 - Psychic Jim
01/20/06 - Psychic Jim
01/20/06 - Psychic Jim
01/16/06 - Psychic Jim
01/16/06 - Psychic Jim
01/16/06 - Psychic Jim
01/07/06 - Heavy kettle
12/22/05 - First Person Soaker
12/08/05 - Physical Cowboys
11/10/05 - Bondage Bug
11/05/05 - Strongly psychotic? I'm funny!
11/05/05 - RCL: What if "cunt" ment "love"
11/05/05 - RCL: Always end on a compliment
10/23/05 - Vengeance
10/22/05 - Videogames are bad mmm'kay?
10/19/05 - Wimbledon
10/19/05 - If you played Mario You'll get this....
10/17/05 - BTC 43 Template 1
10/09/05 - CC 300: Have sheep, wool travel
10/04/05 - The_Young_Scot
09/30/05 - That 70's show
09/30/05 - CC 298: Christmas wish
09/28/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/26/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/24/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/24/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/24/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/23/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/19/05 - Porn for Fags
09/17/05 - BTC #40: Template
09/14/05 - BTC 39: Something borrowed
09/14/05 - BTC: 39 Medal Of Honor
09/14/05 - Gran Theft Auto
09/14/05 - Gran and Gran : Lost
09/11/05 - Ciggy the Public Relations Cigarette
09/11/05 - How not to act. Part 1 Meeting your girlfriends father
09/04/05 - What If Quentin Tarantino Directed...
08/28/05 - The times they are a-changing
08/19/05 - CC293: helikestosay.rar
08/19/05 - You can't see my pee-pee
08/15/05 - Graviton-athon
08/15/05 - I'm starting to scare myself
08/10/05 - Tonight on "When red robots attack"
08/10/05 - Rated "R" for Robot
08/10/05 - If i ain't seen it, it's news to me
08/09/05 - Supersize my anger
08/04/05 - If the tables were turned....on
07/31/05 - Milf
07/23/05 - The secret of comedy
07/21/05 - Best kept a secret
07/16/05 - The hardest word
07/15/05 - CC289: What if "bush" ment "Dick"
07/14/05 - If games were real
07/13/05 - catch you violater
07/13/05 - Fwump you buddy
07/13/05 - G.I. Jesus
07/12/05 - Orally binding
07/12/05 - Dream on part 2
07/12/05 - Dream on
07/12/05 - Freudian slip
07/12/05 - Tips on dating
07/12/05 - The longest word
07/10/05 - Know your rights
07/10/05 - Sister act
07/08/05 - True Story
07/08/05 - Revelations
07/07/05 - The Power of dreams
07/07/05 - Thats not how you get ahead in life
07/07/05 - Paying for your crimes
07/07/05 - Fowl play on words
07/07/05 - The Pun-dementals
07/07/05 - Putting a square peg in a round hole
07/07/05 - I'm a little rusty at this
07/07/05 - It's the life we choose