After a difficult day of probing and flying, the two martians Xantar and Fred go to a local toy store incognito...
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| Hey, Xantar! Look at this toy gun! It sorta reminds me of that Z-145 ray gun we have back at home. Isn't that weird? | |
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| Silence, infidelic Fred! How dare you compare such shoddy replicates to our powerful weaponry! Now leave me be, I must search for the Barbie dream house. | |
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Suddenly, disaster strikes!
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| Oh jeez, Xantar. I am so sorry! I never thought this thing would actually work! Here, I'll buy the dream house for you. | |
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| Aaaaargh! Fool! Not even Barbie's dream house would quench my pain now! | |
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| You want me to get you some Bengay or something? | |
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