Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Butter Rum??? I love Butter Rum!
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by Thomasisneat
After a difficult day of probing and flying, the two martians Xantar and Fred go to a local toy store incognito...
Hey, Xantar! Look at this toy gun! It sorta reminds me of that Z-145 ray gun we have back at home. Isn't that weird?
Silence, infidelic Fred! How dare you compare such shoddy replicates to our powerful weaponry! Now leave me be, I must search for the Barbie dream house.
Suddenly, disaster strikes!
Oh jeez, Xantar. I am so sorry! I never thought this thing would actually work! Here, I'll buy the dream house for you.
Aaaaargh! Fool! Not even Barbie's dream house would quench my pain now!
You want me to get you some Bengay or something?
Shut the fuck up, Fred.
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