Why the planes on 9-11 REALLY crashed...
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| Man, Smashing Pumpkins own you. They are the best band ever. Fuck all the other bands, they just don't compare. | |
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| No way dude, Slipknot is way better. They have a 9 guys!!! OMG THAT IS HARDCORE!!#1313 | |
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| Hahahah, that's pathetic. I prefer to listen to legendary rock bands, not prepackaged artifical pre-packaged Nu-Metal guys shitting on their instruments. | |
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| I guess they're just TOO HARDCORE FOR YOU!!!!! | |
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Shortly after, the entire plane ignited, and crashed into the World Trade Center, proving, sarcasm can be deadly when least expected.
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| Uhhh....no one ever says that...I can't take the sarcasm! NOOO!!! *bursts into flames* | |
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