Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I write this strip for an audience of two people. See if you can guess who they are! HINT - look at my favourites!
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by Tinman
TOBOR DEMANDS MORE FRESH MEAT - Wait, I thought I wasn't using that voice any more - hey, what's my motivation?
If Daw wants to be an actress here, I guess I should probably exterminate that big robot thingie first... Daw don't like robots, no siree rob!
Holy Shit! That hillbilly just killed Tobor, ending the reign of the Forum Zombies and this stupid fucking storyline!
I'm a member of the lawfirm representing Ryan Duchane. He's taken out a cease and desist order on this blatant copyright infingement.
Holy Shit! Ryan Duchane can afford a lawyer! And it's a fucking snowman!
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