Welcome back to Rum Chugger! Cerveaux and Michelle will now each take a double shot of Bacardi 151â„¢ every minute, for an hour, or until someone bites it!
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| Gib id ub, Cerbeaux. Yoo cn't neber owd drnk me. | |
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| Don't I know you from somewhere? | |
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60 minutes and 60 shots later, Cerveaux and Michelle are both still standing! Now for Lighting Sudden Death Round 2: The VOMITRON!!!
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| Say, you look just like me! | |
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| After Cerveaux drank Death under the table, I didn't think you stood a chance. But I'm so proud of you! I can still only barely believe you beat that sick fuck. | |
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| *hic* That was a week ago, and I think you could *hic* still get drunk off of my Piss. | |
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