Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Ok The Goosey and PyRo` Show is becoming a regular thing now so I'd better explain what's going on to those who don't know of either Goosey or PyRo`. Goosey - A glorified duck from Scotland, usually found in a haze of weed smoke. PyRo` - A computer-bound l33t hax0r from Scotland also. Friend of teh goose, usually found in a haze of weed smoke. Glum - A compulsive liar from the moon. Owns 50 sports cars and is a human crash test dummy with brain damage, usually found in a haze of lies.
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by Totalbiscuit
PyRo`, having finally been caught for his evil warez, has been sent to prison while Goosey contemplates bailing him out in exchange for copious amounts of weed
Ermm hey.. who are you? whatcha in here for?
Hi, I'm Glum, I'm in for bank robbery, grand theft auto and being too kinky with my 3 girlfriends
PyRo` looks quizically at his new cellmate
Yeah, they love my 50 sports cars and sometimes I let them take out one of my many cruiseliners. I'm so damn kind to them
And you have all this.. yet you're a goat?
Love me
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