Uberboy's Comics 11/11/03 - when the bag lady gets into fights with the goodwill clerks.
11/11/03 - article underfoot that brings fourth nausea/ not in here.
11/11/03 - ice cream cone particle weapon gone awry
10/29/03 - the thermal nuclear generator in my loins is for you
10/29/03 - the back lash of hope, desire, and vitamins on your shoes.
10/25/03 - pretentious polyester percolator politely painted pink
10/25/03 - variation, as reported by armando
10/19/03 - putrid swollen abscess of humor (ready to burst).
10/19/03 - no, this is not supposed to be funny.
10/18/03 - what DOES this mean?
10/18/03 - it shall be called art.
10/16/03 - when your humor turns black, shrivles up, and falls off.
10/16/03 - enormous electic enema of ennui
09/05/03 - sketchy
07/05/03 - White boy
06/17/03 - Untitled
06/03/03 - Bet back to work.
04/15/03 - The lack of production
04/03/03 - If only we hade a fire wire cable.
03/30/03 - Transitions.
03/29/03 - Observation of change.
03/29/03 - Setting up deffinitions.
03/23/03 - Random insertion of cameo (more props to homies).
03/23/03 - Random insertion of mad props to a homie close to my heart.
03/23/03 - Random insertion or horror.
03/23/03 - Random insertion of truth.
03/23/03 - random insertion of morality.
03/23/03 - Random insertion of libito.
03/23/03 - Random insertion of interest.
03/23/03 - But oh, there's more!
03/23/03 - Every one should read this.
03/22/03 - ...this only sounds like it has to do with someone i know...
03/22/03 - This comic may be true. Then again it may be a FARCE.
03/16/03 - Sitting and bitching while being bitchin'.
03/15/03 - Uberboy and his world of 'unknown' crap.
03/15/03 - Driving.
03/13/03 - Crap thursday afternoon.
03/13/03 - I'll have to throw out my girlfriend's freedom maid costume.
03/12/03 - The red robot is a closet character.
03/12/03 - The return of Uberboy.
03/11/03 - meh, i think i've lost the funny.
02/28/03 - The calm before the storm (slightly funny)
02/28/03 - this comic isn't funny. if you don't like unfunny comics...
02/22/03 - *part3*
02/22/03 - *part2*
02/22/03 - *part1*
02/21/03 - A comic for Jessi (aka, opperation sucker punch)
02/21/03 - what was the last part of the plot?
02/21/03 - *interlude*
02/19/03 - ::Author was supposed to insert witty title here::
02/14/03 - Homecoming
02/11/03 - Like christmas morning only slightly repulsive.
02/11/03 - *interlude*
02/11/03 - This is how.
02/11/03 - How does a robot sell out?
02/09/03 - Silly robot, you got jipped of yo skins.
02/09/03 - Negotiation.
02/09/03 - The exchange.
02/08/03 - Dirty Work
02/08/03 - The Hit (part 3)
02/07/03 - *Appology*
02/07/03 - Ahhh waiting and insulting.
02/06/03 - The Hit (part 2)
02/05/03 - The Hit (part 1)
02/05/03 - To know the enemy, you must become the enemy.
02/05/03 - *interlude*
02/04/03 - Ha ha, robots don't go to summer camp, stupid.
01/28/03 - Summer camp, here we come!
01/23/03 - Six days and several hours before summer camp.
01/23/03 - The week before summer camp.
01/22/03 - FREE STUFF!
01/22/03 - A taboo robot topic
01/21/03 - Our hero learns anatomy!
01/21/03 - The joy of Canto IX (for SPORK!)
01/10/03 - UBERBOY#1 :in the begining: