Ah my means of transportation from school. Every day this girl that is aaaalways wearing a basketball jersey goes and tells the bus driver that I am not supposed to be on the bus.
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| If I wish really hard, maybe I'll be home. What a fool I ride this bus every damned day... | |
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| Hey! Do you ride our bus? You don't ride our bus! I've seen you every day this year but you shouldn't be on this bus!! | |
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These are Blake and Shawn, when school is in I alternate between sitting with them.
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| Hey! I have a different character again! | |
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| I'm depressed. I'll hug Brooke now.... or just bite her neck. Shiggity Shiggity shwaa. | |
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Nikki and Ringer. Nikki's greeeeeeeeeat. Ringer....is odd. A good thing about him though is his love of Faygo, the best pop in the world. Yes. Pop.
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| Free love and hippy frogs. | |
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| ICP!!! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah FAYGO!!! | |
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