Driver's Hell... I mean... Ed. My only escape is drawing and not paying attention. Fear me when I drive.
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| *strong hick accent* Signal to the left, check your blind spot to the left, check your mirrors, check the traffic *blah blah blah anecdote from hell noone cares what I'm saying* | |
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Comics. Not these, actual comics that I draw. Vick writes the scripts for me, but every week we decide something about the comic sucks and start something else. It's annoying.
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| Vick.. I need the script! The deadline for the contest is September 1st and we haven't even started the 15 pages yet!! | |
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| I've been thinking.... This comic kind of sucks we should throw out all of your character designs and the few pages you've already drawn. We should wait for next year's competition so we can be better | |
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And my job. It's new. So new that I got it at midnight last night. Vick writes scripts and I draw religious comics for a coalition of churches... fifty bucks each for 8-11 scenes. Not bad. Not at all
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| Weehee I get to have something good on my resume!! | |
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