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| You know the dude this comic ridicules lovingly all the time? Starts with an N, ends with an I-C-K? | |
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| Right. May or may not live in Dallas, listen to metal, drink Gentleman Jack, work at a Foley's, and have a big head? I think I'm familiar with him. What about him? | |
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| Well I'd like to know how his summer's going, but every time he signs on Instant Messenger, within seconds he has an away message up. And never anything telling--just "I am away from my computer." | |
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| That's pretty fitting. The away message is a difficult art form to master. But I'd much rather read that default than some other douche away message that some of my friends use during the summer. | |
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| Yeah. Example: "All I'm going to say about last night is that it involved girls, tequila, a pool, and wild sex." Uh, you pretty much told me everything. There isn't as much mystery as you think. | |
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| ...I am away from my computer. | |
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