Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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This is a web comic strip.. about a forum.. about a web comic strip... Wrap your brain around that! Go to bitches.
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by Vampjazzy
Hello everyone! It's come to my attention that I've made a serious error and I've come to you today to correct it!
You see, mkahmvet is actually the one who mentioned the "complete circle".. from a previous panel..
The way the panel should have looked:
mkahmvet says that if someone made a forum topic about THIS strip that's about a forum about a comic strip it would come full circle.. Wow.. That's deep!
I think I just heard JulioC say "Spooky"...
So now you know the true story everyone! Now sit tight and we'll be right back while we go remedy ANOTHER situation...
We'll only break a few of his fingers... That'll teach him to bitch about MY strip...
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