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| Hey Lowtax, 'sup? My nali plants have shown me the secret of red and green lighting! | |
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| Heya Cliffy B. you need to take waaay less nali plants, man! Just got back from Cancun with the ole tequila. Shit am I poor. Hey man, can you Hax0r the Gamefan assholes? | |
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| I scan my cat because my genitals are too small to fit onto the plate. | |
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| Yeah...riiight...whatever. Gamefan? Kill, kill, kill? Come on, Cliffy, open up your L337 HaX0ring on thair ass. | |
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| Ten bucks, yeah, I got that from that Oil of ulan add on Planetquake. Say, do you do nali fruit? | |
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| Rar. I am the Gamefan whore! Phear m3! Rar. I cost only $29.95 a month, all you can eat buffet. Bow to my power, Cliffary B! | |
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