This week on the East Wing, watch as the president deals with stick issues.
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| I think the letterhead is all wrong, Cheney-o. I want that dubyah printed in 24 point font. I'm not mah daddy! | |
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| I'll get right onto it, George Bush, sir. Uh, dubyah, sir! The leader of the free world is not his daddy's boy, I'm right on it, sir! | |
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Watch our loved characters as they battle life's ups and downs.
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| That fucking flogbag Cheney... going and having another fucking stroke. He's had more strokes than Clinton got from Monica. | |
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| I heard that you sissy cowboy...aaauh! My heart, my heart! | |
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| I show Dubyah impressive missile. No yankee Star Wars mess me up. Unless it Ken Star. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! | |
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