Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Wonko The Sane crossed the Yukon Jack into Net Nation disguised as an unwashed spammer back in the days when DOS Daemons roamed the linkways. He claims to have fought bravely at the battle of Linux, though on which side remains unclear. Afterwards, he set up toll booths on the routers, waylaying messages and sending threatening and suggestive letters to cops posing as young girls in chat rooms. Recenty released, Wonko spends his days eating and drinking, playing paint-ball with dim witted quadrupeds and telling off-color Bill Gates jokes.
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by WonkoTheSane
Yo, Oxy-breather! How long have you lived in this lo-tec-dump?
Ignorant Alien, we have RAID, Apache, Big Blue, THE GODDAMN INTERNET, Windows XP and Carnivore.
BeEYo beep a bEEp (phlegm-slurp) eep! ugh
Two digit computers? Har! HAR! Har!
01? ...0
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