Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Greetings! My name is Wraith, and I have the artistic talent of a big heavy rock. But I've got a lot of stories in my head, so untill I can get together with an actual artist, I'll be playing around with this. NOTE: to e-mail me, you will need to click the "e-mail" link under my name, AND CHANGE THE "@HOME.COM" TO "@COMCAST.NET". Stupid @ home.
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by Wraith
Gabe is in Ohio, offering Wraith support during his friends funeral...
Well, the squirrels seem as intelligent here as they do anywhere else. I don't know WHY Wraith didn't hang out with you guys when he lived here.
Oh, he used to, but then he got tired of being shot at by all the damn hunters.
Hunters? Squirrel hunters? Oh, come on. You mean to tell me people hunt SQUIREL around here? I mean, enough to put humans who hang out with squirels endanger?
The boy has much to learn of Ohio.
DUN DUN DUUUN! To be continued!
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