Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Greetings! My name is Wraith, and I have the artistic talent of a big heavy rock. But I've got a lot of stories in my head, so untill I can get together with an actual artist, I'll be playing around with this. NOTE: to e-mail me, you will need to click the "e-mail" link under my name, AND CHANGE THE "@HOME.COM" TO "@COMCAST.NET". Stupid @ home.
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by Wraith
Gabe is in Hell
Well, Gabe, lets see, what eternal tourment shall we put you through...wait, this says you spent the weekend in...OHIO? yipes! I don't have anything down here to compete with that!
Grrrr, alright, lets just call it time served and send you back before your corpse starts to rot.
Crap. I gotta go back to Ohio?
to be concluded...
Before I go, Wraith would kill me if I didn't ask. Krawford is one of yours, right?
Krawford? No way! I mean, I may be the embodiment of all evil, but I woudn't releash something like THAT on the world! What kind of monster do you think I am?!
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