Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Greetings! My name is Wraith, and I have the artistic talent of a big heavy rock. But I've got a lot of stories in my head, so untill I can get together with an actual artist, I'll be playing around with this. NOTE: to e-mail me, you will need to click the "e-mail" link under my name, AND CHANGE THE "@HOME.COM" TO "@COMCAST.NET". Stupid @ home.
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by Wraith
Matthew has moved into a haunted NY appartment.
RAA! I am Vlarn, the unstopable! You have invaded my domain! I will feast on your soul!
Great. Well, "Vlarn", if you're gonna live here, you're gonna have to pony up half the rent. No freeloaders..
Foolish mortal! You fail to understand! I am evil lord of the dark dimension! I shall rip the flesh from your bones and sup on their marrow!
Uh-huh. Ultimate evil, eat my soul, sup my marrow. Whatever. I gotta go look for work.
To be continued...
... He hurt my feelings.
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