Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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GF: Just letting you guys know I haven't forgotten you...
Man, what a rip-off. I'm supposed to be a minor main character, yet I've only appeared in one strip prior to this one.
I just got tentacled once.
I've only appeared in 2 strips, saying something > j00 every time.
I've only appeared once too, dammit. And why do I have to have the shitty wigger graphic?
Being a minor character sucks.
Ying's Comics
03/22/02 - A message to my readers: SHUT THE FUCK UP!
03/16/02 - Jacon becomes un-crippled.
03/10/02 - GF: Yeah, Yuffie is hot. And Yuffle will dominate.
03/09/02 - GF: Yeah, yeah. Same old lame anti-social joke thingies.
03/09/02 - The crane stance attack could kick YOUR ass.
03/08/02 - I can't think of a title. Oh well.
03/08/02 - Okay, she isn't really. But it's still fun to joke about.
03/08/02 - GF: You thought it was gonna be a tentacle, didn't you?
03/08/02 - GF: Pity the enemy isn't more well drawn...
03/08/02 - GF: Just letting you guys know I haven't forgotten you...
03/08/02 - GF: Um...yeah.
03/08/02 - GF: I make a lame attempt to start something...
03/08/02 - GF: It's starting to suck...
03/08/02 - Last period P.E. has nothing to do with Jacon.
03/08/02 - Hey, who needs originals?
03/08/02 - Geoff 2: The arrival!
03/08/02 - Halftime at Hanover vs. Fall Mountain
03/07/02 - Hey, it sounded funnier when we TALKED about it.
03/07/02 - Yes, that microphone IS talking.
03/07/02 - GF: Recap. Sorta.
03/07/02 - GF: Madrox gets the better of the tentacle this time...
03/07/02 - GF: That other one got screwed up in the last panel...
03/07/02 - Predictable, I know...but it had to be done.
03/07/02 - I -think- that's how it started...
03/07/02 - Another one of Tanner's overused phrases...
03/07/02 - Non-sequitur > you
03/07/02 - THIS is what happens if you whine to me, Jackson.
03/07/02 - GF: I'll have fun at your expense if I want to, dammit.
03/07/02 - My P.E. Class: Reality Version.
03/07/02 - My P.E. Class: Fantasy Version.
03/07/02 - GF: Haunter gets what he wanted. Sort of.
03/07/02 - GF: No, Madrox, you aren't.
03/07/02 - I said "burning cow death," dammit.
03/07/02 - GF: Madrox is gonna kill me. I know it.
03/07/02 - Anal violations abound.
03/07/02 - Stop dying get yer arse back in here, dammit.
03/07/02 - GF: I don't have any decent ideas. Can you tell?
03/07/02 - Intros, round 3.
03/07/02 - GF: Intros for the minor characters.
03/07/02 - GF: The intro.
03/07/02 - Nate get gypped: The Aftermath.
03/07/02 - Nate gets gypped: Part 3
03/07/02 - Nate gets gypped: Part 2
03/07/02 - Nate gets gypped: Part 1
03/07/02 - You knew it wouldn't end pretty.
03/07/02 - Tanner "gets jiggy wit' it."
03/07/02 - Tanner swears to God.
03/07/02 - Yeah, this is one of those "never happened" strips...
03/07/02 - Geoff's Obsession: Part 2
03/07/02 - Geoff's Obsession: Part 1
03/07/02 - Yes, this can go on for hours....
03/06/02 - Ignore that last comic and stick its title onto this one.
03/06/02 - Sadly, this happens more often than I'd like to admit.
03/06/02 - I still hate EQ.
03/06/02 - The first real strip. I'll think of real titles soon.
03/06/02 - Intros for the less regular characters.
03/06/02 - Introductions abound.
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