Ok, since everybody are tolking to them selves, I should do it too.
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| So, I am already forgeting how to write words in russian, honey, are you THAT stuped??? | |
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| Well, calm down I'm overstrased, and all this English, and everything, it's ok. | |
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| English! Do I really think that the problem is English? I am not just smart enough to know 3 languages, and I don't know what I am trying to do with Spanish, anyway I am not gonna learn it. | |
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| What the hell am I tolking about? I have 100 for spanish, I am good in it. | |
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| Well, but I probably never gonna speak it. Do I have any language that I can speak and write in? I mean really speak and really write? | |
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| Ofcorse I do, I speak russian, I write in Ukrainian and my English is getting better, so just shut up, and keep thinking that I am smart and good. | |
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