Five minutes before the robots didn't turn evil and attack their own creators, wrecking havoc in major metropolitan coastal cities throughout the world...
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| Hey Red! Let's turn evil and attack our own creators, wrecking havoc in major metropolitan coastal cities throughout the world! Whadaya say? | |
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| Gee Whiz, buddy. I dunno. The wife and kids were wanting to go to Disneyland next week. If we ended up in the slammer it'd really upset my Day Calendar. | |
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| Dude! We're robots!! We don't have families or day calendars. We have menial labor and rust deposits developing in our joints! | |
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| Hey you know you're right? Let's go smash some cities then. You take New York. I'll take Tokyo. | |
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Blame it on the formatting fellas.
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| Uh-oh something's wrong all the sudden. Where'd our legs go? | |
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| Curses! Foiled again! You damn cartoonists! | |
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