Zaster's Comics 02/25/10 - Pants
01/22/10 - Born of Boredom 8: Quantum of Dumbass
01/22/10 - Born of Boredom 7: Destroy the Death
01/22/10 - Born of Boredom 6: The Lurking Creep 2
01/22/10 - Born of Bordom 5: The Lurking Creep
01/22/10 - Born Of Bordom 4: Clrghsitchkisjsh!
01/22/10 - Born of Bordom 3: Bored to Death
01/22/10 - Born of Bordom 2: Born Again
01/22/10 - Born of Boredom 1
01/03/10 - ill suited
04/08/09 - Ninja > Bunneh
04/07/09 - I want an Easter Keg
03/20/09 - argablargh
03/20/09 - Pencil of Dread
03/20/09 - Ninjuice
03/20/09 - Count Me In
03/20/09 - Head Gristle
03/20/09 - Towering Idiot
06/22/08 - Hopeless Romantics
06/12/08 - Commercial Failure
05/01/07 - Silent but Deadly
04/28/07 - Worst Person to be Trapped in a Maze With
04/28/07 - Why Should it Goes Well?
11/16/06 - Take Me To TV Hell: I Love Lucy
10/09/06 - HCRoyall's Pick-Up Lines
08/12/06 - FTC 89: Fudd for Thought
09/28/05 - Tycho the Psycho II
09/19/05 - Tycho the Psycho
09/17/05 - Cancerous Chemical Death Humor
09/06/05 - Fighting Words
09/06/05 - Take Me To TV Hell II
09/06/05 - Take Me To TV Hell
08/13/05 - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Three Panels
08/12/05 - Comedy Arcana
08/08/05 - Anticipate Doom
08/08/05 - Barlight Serenade
08/07/05 - Vaudeville is Dead. Civilization: Teetering.
06/23/05 - Dinner and a Show
05/10/05 - They'll Only Get One Finger While I'm Shifting Gears
04/29/05 - Wave Your Own Wand
04/21/05 - Kung Fool III: The Boorite Apostasy
04/20/05 - Kung Fool II
04/20/05 - Kung Fool
04/16/05 - Stop Making Sense
04/15/05 - Gilligan's Island: The Lost Episode
04/10/05 - Gall of Cthulhu
04/10/05 - The Joke Blonde Speaks Out
04/09/05 - Soliciting an Opinion
04/09/05 - Ooo weee ooo!
03/23/05 - Vibes from the Aether
02/20/05 - Call of the Wild-Eyed
02/20/05 - jo0 f33Lz0rZ t3H c0cK
02/05/05 - FTC 55: Gray Matter
02/04/05 - Bully For You
02/04/05 - Not Kidding
01/12/05 - FTC 52: A Mighty Wind
01/07/05 - FTC 51: Template
12/27/04 - WW 34: Auld Hang Syne
12/27/04 - FTC 50: Too Horrible
12/27/04 - FTC 50: Tiki Talk
12/26/04 - Zaster's Rockin' New Year's
12/26/04 - FTC 50: Creature Lame-Ass Feature
12/19/04 - FTC 49: Farging Barstages
12/19/04 - FTC 49: But I have a Range Rover...
12/19/04 - FTC 49: Frogofooey
12/18/04 - FTC 49: 'Tits the Season
12/18/04 - FTC 49: Get Ya Game On
12/13/04 - FTC: 48 (Template)
11/28/04 - She's Doing the Pool Boy Again, Part II
11/28/04 - She's Doing the Pool Boy Again
11/27/04 - FTC 47: Eulogy/Victory Speech
11/27/04 - FTC 47: First Things First
11/26/04 - Your Sex Life, Revealed
11/18/04 - A Forum User's Nightmare
11/14/04 - CC265: ...Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again
11/13/04 - CC265: The Glorious Dreams We Share
11/13/04 - CC265: I Can Dream About You
11/13/04 - CC265: Dream Factory
11/07/04 - CC 264: Graded on a Recurve
10/31/04 - The Joke Blonde
10/18/04 - Deep Cover, with Sprinkles
10/06/04 - Pete Ejaculates Randomly
10/05/04 - The Comeback Kid
10/05/04 - Adventures in Unemployment #1
09/30/04 - Furnishing an Ending
09/28/04 - Interlude
09/28/04 - Comics That End In Shame
09/28/04 - The Paris Hilton Decapitation Video
09/26/04 - Throwing Out the Worst Pitch
09/25/04 - I Laugh to Keep from Crying
09/23/04 - American Values
09/22/04 - Pete's Skeptic Service
09/13/04 - I Could Teach You, But I'd Have To Charge
09/07/04 - Another Turd From Our Sponsors
08/27/04 - FTC: Killed by Death
08/27/04 - FTC: Exploding Raspberry Racecars
08/27/04 - FTC: Before You Die, You Finish Biped's Comic
08/27/04 - FTC: The Horror of the Unspeakable Terror
08/27/04 - Practical Choke
08/26/04 - BTC #14: Red Red Walls
08/26/04 - The Picture of Ignorance
08/26/04 - The Tyler and Bandit Show
07/27/04 - O'reilly vs Moore, part 2
07/27/04 - O'reilly vs. Moore
07/27/04 - CC 252: All Political Analysis Aside...
07/26/04 - CC 252: Be a Volunteer
07/25/04 - CC 252: Electric Kool-Aid Bozo Stylin'
07/25/04 - CC252: Oh Snap!
04/15/04 - Hulk Smash Puny Litigator
04/15/04 - Hulk sell out NOW!
04/08/04 - A Holiday for Everyone
04/04/04 - Halloween in April
03/29/04 - Dollars from Change
03/29/04 - Call the Vermin Help Line
03/29/04 - You Can Do Magic
03/22/04 - Race to the Finish Line
03/22/04 - Quarterback Confidential
03/17/04 - OMG! J00 suXX0rZ!!
03/15/04 - A House in Your Price Range 4
03/15/04 - A House in Your Price Range 3
03/15/04 - A House in Your Price Range 2
03/14/04 - A House in Your Price Range
03/06/04 - Body of your Dreams!
03/03/04 - Ina Goda Davida, Baby
02/28/04 - The Cash-In of the Christ
02/18/04 - War is teh Stupid, Act VI
02/16/04 - Big Loserhead II
02/16/04 - Big Loserhead
02/16/04 - War is teh Stupid, Act V
02/16/04 - Herbal Execrances
02/13/04 - War is teh Stupid, Act IV
02/12/04 - War is teh Stupid, Act III
02/11/04 - War is teh Stupid, Act II
02/09/04 - War is teh Stupid, Act I
01/27/04 - Pass the Resentment
01/27/04 - FTC 20: Priorities II
01/27/04 - FTC 20: You're Not the One
01/27/04 - FTC 20: For Every Broken Rule, God Kills a Kitten
01/26/04 - FTC20: Kids...
01/26/04 - FTC 20: Absolutely Mo' Substitute Characters
01/25/04 - FTC 20: Kill Your Dad
01/25/04 - FTC 20: James Bondage?
01/25/04 - FTC 20: seXX0rd
01/25/04 - FTC 20: Stifled
01/25/04 - FTC 20: Hell's Angels, the Early Years
01/25/04 - Priorities
01/20/04 - FTC 19: Rock Out, Rock In
01/19/04 - FTC 19: We Re-Built This City
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Hellbent for Hardcore
01/19/04 - FTC 19: 10 Years Later
01/19/04 - FTC 19: So Metal
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Dance of Ruin
01/17/04 - FTC 18: CoC
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Tender Vittles
01/13/04 - FTC 18: Ingest Organic Matter, Sustain Human Metabolism
01/13/04 - FTC #18: Mush Have Been Something I Ate
01/04/04 - FTC #17: Bottled up Rage
01/04/04 - FTC 17: Takin' it to the Streets
01/04/04 - FTC 17: The Riot Stuff
12/30/03 - FTC 16: Comin' Back Around Again
12/30/03 - FTC #16: Infantile Infantry
12/29/03 - FTC #16: Year of the Penguin
12/29/03 - FTC #16: Army of Dorkness
12/28/03 - Viva la Resolution
12/24/03 - Adventurer's Guild, Ep. 1
12/23/03 - Thing Contest #15: Terror in the Night!
12/23/03 - Thing Contest #15: Cabal of Evil!
12/23/03 - Untitled
12/22/03 - Untitled
12/22/03 - Untitled
12/14/03 - Makk Leaving Forever, Day Two
12/12/03 - Unequal Opportunity
12/09/03 - Master Tech Wanted
12/09/03 - Way of the Exploding Fist
12/01/03 - Tiki Amok
12/01/03 - Hocus Focus
11/27/03 - Next Exit: Castlevania
11/22/03 - Holly Jolly Space Tyrant
11/22/03 - Anxiety Theater III
11/22/03 - Anxiety Theater II
11/21/03 - Anxiety Theater