Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I like to read the Sunday Comics, so I am going to have fun making my own on this website. If you like them good, if not I do not mind, as I am doing this for fun. Impossibly Randomly Unlikely Situations is my first comic, and it is the most random paranoid strip I could think of with the most random paranoid name.
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by Zeke
One day in the office Mr. Smithy mad the mistake of debating politics in the office, with his boss Insane Rabbitman no less...
Well I think Hopop O' Pama's views Rabbi't's views are crazy.
Yeah well Jonah McClam is a psycho who wants to make the country of Solrauk a colony.
Needless to sat the conversation deteriorates quickly...
That's inasane your insane... Oh shit I said that aloud didn't I?
Why you I ought to chop you into so many pieces the police won't find enough evidence ta' convic me.
An hour and a few liters of gasoline later...
Ahh... fresh ashes for my outdoor garden.
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