Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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~(mis)ADVENTURES IN HOLLYWOOD~ Follow here with us the grand adventures of generic film-maker Zetura Dracos as he struggles against insanity, evil, and communism to get his films made in a Hollywood gone mad.
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by Zetura_Dracos
In the Office of Jack Evil-Guy:
So heres the deal: I've secured the rights to make a movie based on the game Fallout 2. The script is crap, we've picked cast and crew, and you will have no creative control at all. Sound good?
Okay, sure, It's not like I have much of a choice right?
Great! Now I'm going to have an evil gun-toting Kangaroo take you to the apartment we've rented you and have you drive nails into your skull!
Woah! You're what?
A Moment Later:
Was I supposed to actually let him do this to himself?
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