Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by Zorin
#madman gets back on topic
Zorin: Its good that #madman doesnt have as much porn anymore, I mean it is an anime channel after all. (sighs in relief, good no more hardcore shit)
Stormo: Yes, All praise my op skillz.
Peace abounds...
oogi2000: (Damn Damn Damn)
o_scroll: Can I look now? No more Hardcore Shite? I can still talk about panties though right?
5 minutes later...
Stormo: Fansubs... hate... blah blah... music... blah blah...
oogi2000: Porn... blah blah... hentai... blah blah... harcore... blah blah...
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