alienpantsyndrome's Comics 06/25/04 - The Passion of the Mouse, pt.1
06/05/04 - Fine, ignore me, I'll just sit this one out...
06/05/04 - Look, as the narrator I'm just as important to the story...
06/05/04 - Still oblivious to the narration, just look up, dammit...
06/05/04 - Oblivious to the narration all around us...
05/23/04 - BCC 1: happy bad comic zen time show
05/19/04 - CC244: Chinese Democracy 5
05/19/04 - CC244: Chinese Democracy 4
05/19/04 - CC244: Chinese Democracy 3
05/19/04 - CC244: Chinese Democracy 2
05/19/04 - CC244: Chinese Democracy 1
05/11/04 - WW16: Last Day on the Job
05/04/04 - World's Worst #15: Catchick in trouble...
04/21/04 - The Return of CATCHICK!
04/21/04 - WW13: Last words from the soon to be departed...
04/21/04 - Max really has no clue what is about to happen to him...
04/21/04 - Max realizes the horror of his situation...
03/06/04 - Max goes to the store
02/28/04 - Anal chainsaw rape... to the MAX!!!!
02/28/04 - The funny... to the MAX!!!!!
02/28/04 - Comedy to the MAX!!!!!!!!!!
02/02/04 - Some things that should not have been forgotten...
01/28/04 - WW4: A nice quite dinner with mom.
01/28/04 - Forgotten Plotlines pt.2
01/28/04 - Forgotten Plotlines pt.1
11/27/03 - Back from Oblivion pt. 7
11/27/03 - Back from Oblivion pt. 6
11/27/03 - Back from Oblivion pt. 5
11/27/03 - Back from Oblivion pt. 4
11/27/03 - Back from Oblivion pt. 3
11/27/03 - Back from Oblivion pt. 2
11/27/03 - Back From Oblivion pt. 1
05/19/03 - CRISIS in an Infantile Universe, pt.5
05/19/03 - Crisis in an Infantile Universe, pt.4
05/09/03 - CRISIS In an Infantile Universe pt. 3
05/09/03 - CRISIS In an Infantile Universe pt. 2
05/09/03 - CRISIS In an Infantile Universe pt. 1
03/29/03 - Serial Comic 8: Breaking News From Fox News NOW!
03/28/03 - The Bong Song or Killing the bunny or The Winner Is...
03/25/03 - You really couldn't tell this used to be a meth lab...
03/25/03 - The Pittsburgh JC's Always Give a Nice Awards Presentation..
03/25/03 - And so one strip ends only that another might begin anew...
03/25/03 - Foreshadowing as just another lame plot device...
03/25/03 - Frank the Gay Bunny Makes a Horrible Discovery...
03/25/03 - Law of Averages... A Few Chickens... Only Way to Live...
03/24/03 - Tonight Let's All Make Love in London...
03/24/03 - And now a word from Zazo, creator of this semi-strip...
03/24/03 - Sara, that bitch, finally makes a love connetion...
03/24/03 - Chasing the Dragon or Waiting for Doctor Benway...
03/24/03 - Thw war on the homefront gets even closer to Kelly...
03/24/03 - Queen for a day, fool for a lifetime...
03/23/03 - cc 177: Frank the Gay Bunny in "Naked Lunch"
03/23/03 - What's an anti war rally without a really good candy bar?
03/23/03 - The following war protest is being brought to you by 3M...
03/23/03 - I love it when a plan comes together....
03/23/03 - The twisted evil "genius" is revealed at last...
03/21/03 - Sarcasm as the ultimate virtue...
03/21/03 - Kelly and Frank discuss the merits of war...
03/21/03 - Frank should immediately consult an attorney...
03/21/03 - Someone is gonna make Joe Rogan his bitch...
03/21/03 - The Adventures of Frank, Queen of the Desert, pt. 3
03/21/03 - The Adventures of Frank, Queen of the Desert, pt.2
03/11/03 - The Adventures of Frank, Queen of the Desert...
03/11/03 - For any other funny animal this would be a suicide trip...
03/11/03 - Um, are you sure this show isn't called Fetish Factor?
03/11/03 - whale semen, tic tacs, and the stink of burning bunny fur...
03/11/03 - take it all, take it all you walmart bitch...
03/11/03 - All that AND a plate full of maggots...
02/24/03 - The Factor of Fear aka The Truth Cums Out
02/24/03 - The Big Date, epilogue
02/24/03 - Delusions of Darko, interlude
02/24/03 - The Big Date pt. 2
02/24/03 - The Big Date pt. 1
01/23/03 - Another very special episode, tonight on FOX
01/23/03 - Return of the Mack, Big Honky Style
01/18/03 - Delusions of Darko, pt.3
01/18/03 - Frank listens carefully as Kelly presents her problems...
01/17/03 - Enter the Swann, pt. 1
01/17/03 - Delusions of Darko, pt. 2
01/17/03 - B-man and the Big J, pt. 2
01/17/03 - B-man and the Big J, pt. 1
01/17/03 - We finally meet Sara, that bitch...
01/17/03 - Things to do in line when you're braindead...
01/17/03 - Delusions of Darko, pt.1
01/16/03 - In the bedroom with a bunny...
01/16/03 - Kelly forgets she has a blind date tonight...
01/16/03 - No, but Rupert Murdock does...
01/16/03 - Ask Jesus, pt. 3 (the outtakes reel)
01/16/03 - Bad day for hush puppies in general...
01/16/03 - Ask Jesus, pt. 2
01/16/03 - Meet Joe Bush
01/16/03 - Ask Jesus, pt. 1