Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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5:45 am
I need to figure out how to erase this message on the machine before the cleaning lady comes and hears it and takes me apart.
I wish my power cord was a little bit longer.
allenhenderson's Comics
03/21/08 - And then they both died the end
03/21/08 - Epilogue
03/21/08 - I KNEW it.
03/21/08 - Isn't there a town ordinance against panhandling now?
03/21/08 - ...
03/21/08 - Dun dun DUN
03/21/08 - Short Attention Span and Small Bladder
10/05/06 - Also I can't believe they charge for refills
10/05/06 - Sike this isn't funny
10/05/06 - Move along little doggy
07/26/06 - Jackpot.
07/26/06 - I can't work like this.
07/26/06 - I am.
09/16/05 - But there are only 2 panels
04/21/05 - Papal Balls
04/21/05 - Pope Balls
02/24/05 - Uhhh
02/24/05 - Uhh
02/24/05 - Um
02/24/05 - Uh
01/24/05 - I knew this was a bad idea
01/19/05 - Titanic
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Frive
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Fore
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Threesies
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Too
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers"
01/19/04 - CC 229: Basically the deal is I am a part-time scientist
01/01/04 - New Happy Happy Part 2
01/01/04 - New Happy Happy!
11/08/03 - Pink Donkey Likes It
10/02/03 - Meat Mods
10/02/03 - It's Learning
07/30/03 - One day at the natural history museum
06/16/03 - Literally.
06/16/03 - Just like the movies
06/16/03 - Cramping up
06/16/03 - It's not working like they said
06/16/03 - It's kind of like suicide by cop
06/16/03 - Ta-da!
05/01/03 - Sympatico
04/09/03 - Cymbal-isms
04/02/03 - Da News
02/25/03 - I just got back from Blockbuster
02/25/03 - This week on the History Channel
01/26/03 - The plot thickens, then goes away forever
01/25/03 - Hacker freed from real, not-electronic prison
01/25/03 - Current Events: "Powell: U.S. has 12 allies"
01/23/03 - Blorgging: The Next Generation
01/23/03 - The Wrath of Blog
01/23/03 - Blog blog? Blog blog blog. Blog! Blog the blog.
01/23/03 - At this rate I may never finish
01/20/03 - I'm really just too tired to make a good comic
01/20/03 - He said let's do lunch while we were actually doing lunch
01/20/03 - And then I believed all over again
01/20/03 - The movie where the shoes do the dancing for the wearer
12/26/02 - I'm so sorry I keep making comics
12/25/02 - Robo Robot
12/25/02 - Evil genius, mind of
12/25/02 - Like the corners of my mind
12/25/02 - Huffing paint thinner and surfin the net
12/25/02 - The Truth about Christmas
12/22/02 - No, I am NOT on the take from New Line Cinema
12/22/02 - Wriggle Wriggle
12/22/02 - ME SMRAT
12/22/02 - The denoument of the latest buddy movie
12/02/02 - Advanced Comic Phonetics
12/02/02 - Intermediate Comic Phonetics
12/02/02 - Comic Phonetics
12/02/02 - Realizations
12/02/02 - Did I ever tell you I was tired of living?
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 4
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 3
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 2
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 1
11/23/02 - Dog on ball in Pong Game
11/23/02 - Single-sex ed
11/23/02 - Learn to fly again, be free, and so forth
11/23/02 - Take these broken wings
10/31/02 - The Happiest Halloween Ever
10/17/02 - Dinner-time Funnies
10/17/02 - Discorporation X (with homage to BeNN MaKK)
10/17/02 - Discorporation IX
10/17/02 - Discorporation VIII
10/17/02 - Discorporation VII
10/17/02 - Discorporation VI
10/17/02 - Discorporation V
10/17/02 - Discorporation IV
10/17/02 - Discorporation III
10/17/02 - Discorporation II
10/17/02 - Discorporation I
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug, alternate ending 3
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug, alternate ending 2
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug, alternate ending 1
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug
10/13/02 - Salt is the anti-drug
10/13/02 - Stripcreator needs a dog character
10/13/02 - ;l
10/13/02 - The good stuff
10/13/02 - Gloss or matte finish
10/13/02 - So there is the email and the normal mail is that right?
10/13/02 - Tee Vee Tee Vee bo Bee Bee
10/12/02 - Funny fun fun
10/12/02 - Readin n writin n sleepin
10/12/02 - From the desk of Clango
10/12/02 - Doo dee doo
10/12/02 - I have a special rope and you are my special knot
10/12/02 - Confidant
10/12/02 - Read-Only
10/12/02 - Reading Brainbow
09/29/02 - Partying downtown
09/15/02 - Back on the horse
09/12/02 - Still on mars
09/12/02 - Wild West Mars
09/12/02 - Mars Funnies
09/08/02 - Candyland of the Mind
09/08/02 - Confessions
09/08/02 - Diary of Hopes and Wishes
09/08/02 - Friends 4 Ever
09/05/02 - The smoking song
07/13/02 - Nintendo is Japanese for "eye cancer"
07/13/02 - How many points on my license for 60 in a handicapped space?
07/13/02 - Scene 14: Cut to Nick Cage getting boned by Harvey Feinstein
07/13/02 -
07/13/02 - Stuck in the middle with poo
07/13/02 - Brain brains bo brains
07/13/02 - Those wacky zombies
07/13/02 - Let them eat brains
07/13/02 - For Dan Lucas
07/08/02 - Terrible lizard king more like jerk king
07/02/02 - Old times
07/02/02 - Next on MTV: Life Support Unplugged
07/02/02 - Wish I had bought some mutual funds right before the coma
07/02/02 - Use shorter brush strokes
07/02/02 - Stroke of inspiration
07/02/02 - The back stroke
07/01/02 - Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
07/01/02 - Stroke it
06/27/02 - Different strokes
06/27/02 - Still champion
06/27/02 - You know I'm right
06/27/02 - The big lunch
06/26/02 - The Indian would use every part of the donkey
06/26/02 - Stupid metaphor for man's journey I just want a sweet tea
06/26/02 - More like jerk-man
06/26/02 - I lost my peanuts
06/23/02 - Don't touch me there. Try a little lower.
06/23/02 - Absolutely no technical support here people
06/23/02 - Danger Microwave
06/23/02 - Open your pie-hole
06/23/02 - The tension between India and Pakistan is all sexual
06/23/02 - So they apparently shut down AudioGalaxy
06/23/02 - And so then the guy says, not the first guy, the other guy..
06/23/02 - Doop dee doo
06/23/02 - The hole where you stick pies is a pie-hole
06/23/02 - Shootin' pool, bitches
06/23/02 - The mask is still cursed by the way
06/23/02 - Messin' me up with your voodoo
06/23/02 - What part of it was someone else do you not understand
06/23/02 - What is it with you people
06/23/02 - The Cursed Mask
06/21/02 - The singing chicken
06/21/02 - Finger Pups
06/21/02 - The big interview
06/18/02 - 5:45 am
06/18/02 - Intel Inside
06/18/02 - Encyclopaedia Robotica
06/18/02 - I came back
06/16/02 - de trop
06/16/02 - My plane leaves in two minutes people
06/16/02 - Art
06/16/02 - Lore
06/16/02 - Da Po Po
06/16/02 - Set 4
06/16/02 - Set 3
06/16/02 - Set 2
06/16/02 - Set 1
06/16/02 - Re: tard
12/23/01 - Sunday
12/23/01 - Saturday
12/23/01 - Friday
12/23/01 - Thursday
12/23/01 - Wednesday
12/23/01 - Tuesday
12/23/01 - Monday
03/05/01 - Really Inside Joke
03/04/01 - Lucky Day
03/02/01 - Pounds, not Dollars
03/02/01 - Pink Donkey on the Moon
03/02/01 - NYPD
03/02/01 - Allyson likes Cheese
03/02/01 - Godzilla goes for a Walk
03/02/01 - Laundry
03/02/01 - I Made a Moh
03/02/01 - Rock Fight!
03/02/01 - Happy Dancing
03/02/01 - Journey to Watership Down Blunted
03/02/01 - Don't Jive Me
03/02/01 - Get Back Here
03/02/01 - Trouble Brewing
03/02/01 - Matt and his Magic Elephant
03/01/01 - Matt and his Magic Ostrich
03/01/01 - Hi Matt!
03/01/01 - I Jest
03/01/01 - Karma
03/01/01 - I Just had a Thought
03/01/01 - Script Idea
02/28/01 - Help Rick!
02/28/01 - Hi Rick!
02/28/01 - Hee hee hee
02/28/01 - I am a Stick Man
02/28/01 - Waiting for Gobot
02/28/01 - Dancing
02/26/01 - Dialogue with the Hippie
02/26/01 - Airplanes
02/26/01 - Retards Draw your Political Cartoons
02/26/01 - Cat's in the Robot Cradle
02/26/01 - Love at First Sight
02/26/01 - Problem Solved
02/26/01 - Mix up at the Robot Factory
02/26/01 - Robot Butler Settles for Less
02/26/01 - Awkward Moment
02/26/01 - All those Robot Butlers
02/26/01 - Riley and the Robot Butler
02/26/01 - The Definition of Humor
02/26/01 - For Meagan
02/26/01 - For Allyson
02/26/01 - For Toni
02/25/01 - Allergy Pills
02/25/01 - Godzilla Square One
02/25/01 - That Wacky Godzilla
02/25/01 - Godzilla in the Woods
02/25/01 - Godzilla Pooping in the Woods
02/23/01 - The Meaning of Life
02/22/01 - Meanwhile at the Movie Theater
02/22/01 - Dialogue in Hell
02/22/01 - Hell: Getting to Know You
02/22/01 - Going to Hell
02/22/01 - Hell Ain't Easy
02/22/01 - Hell Admissions
02/22/01 - Welcome to Hell
02/22/01 - Meet the Devil
02/22/01 - Damn Hippie
02/22/01 - The Accident
02/22/01 - Art Gallery, Part 2
02/22/01 - Art Gallery
02/22/01 - Funny Business
02/22/01 - Water Games
02/22/01 - So This is the Apocalypse
02/22/01 - My Apocalypse Has a First Name..
02/22/01 - Apocalypse Online
02/22/01 - More Apocalypse
02/22/01 - That Darn Apocalypse
02/22/01 - Oh No, It's the Apocalypse
02/22/01 - Meanwhile
02/22/01 - Wishing Clown
02/22/01 - Clown Reflecting
02/22/01 - Surprise Clown
02/22/01 - Conclusion to Airplane Jesus
02/22/01 - Jesus Saves the Day
02/22/01 - Jesus to the Rescue
02/22/01 - Airplane Jesus
02/22/01 - Just One Nut
02/22/01 - More Nuts
02/22/01 - Asking for Nuts
02/22/01 - Got Any Spare Nuts?
02/22/01 - Then He Caught on Fire
02/22/01 - He Died of Starvation
02/22/01 - Legs and I'm Very Hungry
02/22/01 - I Have No
02/22/01 - Amature Night
02/22/01 - For some reason they started clapping
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