Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Nintendo is Japanese for "eye cancer"
Ok ok, I'll be Edge, and zombie Allen can be Kain. There, happy?
I changed my mind I want to be Tellah. And Matt, you can be our chocobo.
You guys are gay I'm NOT playing this stupid game. It's bad enough you turned me into an undead ghost. And if Edge were anybody you know it'd be me.
allenhenderson's Comics
03/21/08 - And then they both died the end
03/21/08 - Epilogue
03/21/08 - I KNEW it.
03/21/08 - Isn't there a town ordinance against panhandling now?
03/21/08 - ...
03/21/08 - Dun dun DUN
03/21/08 - Short Attention Span and Small Bladder
10/05/06 - Also I can't believe they charge for refills
10/05/06 - Sike this isn't funny
10/05/06 - Move along little doggy
07/26/06 - Jackpot.
07/26/06 - I can't work like this.
07/26/06 - I am.
09/16/05 - But there are only 2 panels
04/21/05 - Papal Balls
04/21/05 - Pope Balls
02/24/05 - Uhhh
02/24/05 - Uhh
02/24/05 - Um
02/24/05 - Uh
01/24/05 - I knew this was a bad idea
01/19/05 - Titanic
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Frive
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Fore
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Threesies
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers" Part Too
10/08/04 - Just Like "The Producers"
01/19/04 - CC 229: Basically the deal is I am a part-time scientist
01/01/04 - New Happy Happy Part 2
01/01/04 - New Happy Happy!
11/08/03 - Pink Donkey Likes It
10/02/03 - Meat Mods
10/02/03 - It's Learning
07/30/03 - One day at the natural history museum
06/16/03 - Literally.
06/16/03 - Just like the movies
06/16/03 - Cramping up
06/16/03 - It's not working like they said
06/16/03 - It's kind of like suicide by cop
06/16/03 - Ta-da!
05/01/03 - Sympatico
04/09/03 - Cymbal-isms
04/02/03 - Da News
02/25/03 - I just got back from Blockbuster
02/25/03 - This week on the History Channel
01/26/03 - The plot thickens, then goes away forever
01/25/03 - Hacker freed from real, not-electronic prison
01/25/03 - Current Events: "Powell: U.S. has 12 allies"
01/23/03 - Blorgging: The Next Generation
01/23/03 - The Wrath of Blog
01/23/03 - Blog blog? Blog blog blog. Blog! Blog the blog.
01/23/03 - At this rate I may never finish
01/20/03 - I'm really just too tired to make a good comic
01/20/03 - He said let's do lunch while we were actually doing lunch
01/20/03 - And then I believed all over again
01/20/03 - The movie where the shoes do the dancing for the wearer
12/26/02 - I'm so sorry I keep making comics
12/25/02 - Robo Robot
12/25/02 - Evil genius, mind of
12/25/02 - Like the corners of my mind
12/25/02 - Huffing paint thinner and surfin the net
12/25/02 - The Truth about Christmas
12/22/02 - No, I am NOT on the take from New Line Cinema
12/22/02 - Wriggle Wriggle
12/22/02 - ME SMRAT
12/22/02 - The denoument of the latest buddy movie
12/02/02 - Advanced Comic Phonetics
12/02/02 - Intermediate Comic Phonetics
12/02/02 - Comic Phonetics
12/02/02 - Realizations
12/02/02 - Did I ever tell you I was tired of living?
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 4
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 3
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 2
12/02/02 - My comics are going to be terrible from now on, part 1
11/23/02 - Dog on ball in Pong Game
11/23/02 - Single-sex ed
11/23/02 - Learn to fly again, be free, and so forth
11/23/02 - Take these broken wings
10/31/02 - The Happiest Halloween Ever
10/17/02 - Dinner-time Funnies
10/17/02 - Discorporation X (with homage to BeNN MaKK)
10/17/02 - Discorporation IX
10/17/02 - Discorporation VIII
10/17/02 - Discorporation VII
10/17/02 - Discorporation VI
10/17/02 - Discorporation V
10/17/02 - Discorporation IV
10/17/02 - Discorporation III
10/17/02 - Discorporation II
10/17/02 - Discorporation I
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug, alternate ending 3
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug, alternate ending 2
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug, alternate ending 1
10/14/02 - The Birthday Bug
10/13/02 - Salt is the anti-drug
10/13/02 - Stripcreator needs a dog character
10/13/02 - ;l
10/13/02 - The good stuff
10/13/02 - Gloss or matte finish
10/13/02 - So there is the email and the normal mail is that right?
10/13/02 - Tee Vee Tee Vee bo Bee Bee
10/12/02 - Funny fun fun
10/12/02 - Readin n writin n sleepin
10/12/02 - From the desk of Clango
10/12/02 - Doo dee doo
10/12/02 - I have a special rope and you are my special knot
10/12/02 - Confidant
10/12/02 - Read-Only
10/12/02 - Reading Brainbow
09/29/02 - Partying downtown
09/15/02 - Back on the horse
09/12/02 - Still on mars
09/12/02 - Wild West Mars
09/12/02 - Mars Funnies
09/08/02 - Candyland of the Mind
09/08/02 - Confessions
09/08/02 - Diary of Hopes and Wishes
09/08/02 - Friends 4 Ever
09/05/02 - The smoking song
07/13/02 - Nintendo is Japanese for "eye cancer"
07/13/02 - How many points on my license for 60 in a handicapped space?
07/13/02 - Scene 14: Cut to Nick Cage getting boned by Harvey Feinstein
07/13/02 -
07/13/02 - Stuck in the middle with poo
07/13/02 - Brain brains bo brains
07/13/02 - Those wacky zombies
07/13/02 - Let them eat brains
07/13/02 - For Dan Lucas
07/08/02 - Terrible lizard king more like jerk king
07/02/02 - Old times
07/02/02 - Next on MTV: Life Support Unplugged
07/02/02 - Wish I had bought some mutual funds right before the coma
07/02/02 - Use shorter brush strokes
07/02/02 - Stroke of inspiration
07/02/02 - The back stroke
07/01/02 - Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
07/01/02 - Stroke it
06/27/02 - Different strokes
06/27/02 - Still champion
06/27/02 - You know I'm right
06/27/02 - The big lunch
06/26/02 - The Indian would use every part of the donkey
06/26/02 - Stupid metaphor for man's journey I just want a sweet tea
06/26/02 - More like jerk-man
06/26/02 - I lost my peanuts
06/23/02 - Don't touch me there. Try a little lower.
06/23/02 - Absolutely no technical support here people
06/23/02 - Danger Microwave
06/23/02 - Open your pie-hole
06/23/02 - The tension between India and Pakistan is all sexual
06/23/02 - So they apparently shut down AudioGalaxy
06/23/02 - And so then the guy says, not the first guy, the other guy..
06/23/02 - Doop dee doo
06/23/02 - The hole where you stick pies is a pie-hole
06/23/02 - Shootin' pool, bitches
06/23/02 - The mask is still cursed by the way
06/23/02 - Messin' me up with your voodoo
06/23/02 - What part of it was someone else do you not understand
06/23/02 - What is it with you people
06/23/02 - The Cursed Mask
06/21/02 - The singing chicken
06/21/02 - Finger Pups
06/21/02 - The big interview
06/18/02 - 5:45 am
06/18/02 - Intel Inside
06/18/02 - Encyclopaedia Robotica
06/18/02 - I came back
06/16/02 - de trop
06/16/02 - My plane leaves in two minutes people
06/16/02 - Art
06/16/02 - Lore
06/16/02 - Da Po Po
06/16/02 - Set 4
06/16/02 - Set 3
06/16/02 - Set 2
06/16/02 - Set 1
06/16/02 - Re: tard
12/23/01 - Sunday
12/23/01 - Saturday
12/23/01 - Friday
12/23/01 - Thursday
12/23/01 - Wednesday
12/23/01 - Tuesday
12/23/01 - Monday
03/05/01 - Really Inside Joke
03/04/01 - Lucky Day
03/02/01 - Pounds, not Dollars
03/02/01 - Pink Donkey on the Moon
03/02/01 - NYPD
03/02/01 - Allyson likes Cheese
03/02/01 - Godzilla goes for a Walk
03/02/01 - Laundry
03/02/01 - I Made a Moh
03/02/01 - Rock Fight!
03/02/01 - Happy Dancing
03/02/01 - Journey to Watership Down Blunted
03/02/01 - Don't Jive Me
03/02/01 - Get Back Here
03/02/01 - Trouble Brewing
03/02/01 - Matt and his Magic Elephant
03/01/01 - Matt and his Magic Ostrich
03/01/01 - Hi Matt!
03/01/01 - I Jest
03/01/01 - Karma
03/01/01 - I Just had a Thought
03/01/01 - Script Idea
02/28/01 - Help Rick!
02/28/01 - Hi Rick!
02/28/01 - Hee hee hee
02/28/01 - I am a Stick Man
02/28/01 - Waiting for Gobot
02/28/01 - Dancing
02/26/01 - Dialogue with the Hippie
02/26/01 - Airplanes
02/26/01 - Retards Draw your Political Cartoons
02/26/01 - Cat's in the Robot Cradle
02/26/01 - Love at First Sight
02/26/01 - Problem Solved
02/26/01 - Mix up at the Robot Factory
02/26/01 - Robot Butler Settles for Less
02/26/01 - Awkward Moment
02/26/01 - All those Robot Butlers
02/26/01 - Riley and the Robot Butler
02/26/01 - The Definition of Humor
02/26/01 - For Meagan
02/26/01 - For Allyson
02/26/01 - For Toni
02/25/01 - Allergy Pills
02/25/01 - Godzilla Square One
02/25/01 - That Wacky Godzilla
02/25/01 - Godzilla in the Woods
02/25/01 - Godzilla Pooping in the Woods
02/23/01 - The Meaning of Life
02/22/01 - Meanwhile at the Movie Theater
02/22/01 - Dialogue in Hell
02/22/01 - Hell: Getting to Know You
02/22/01 - Going to Hell
02/22/01 - Hell Ain't Easy
02/22/01 - Hell Admissions
02/22/01 - Welcome to Hell
02/22/01 - Meet the Devil
02/22/01 - Damn Hippie
02/22/01 - The Accident
02/22/01 - Art Gallery, Part 2
02/22/01 - Art Gallery
02/22/01 - Funny Business
02/22/01 - Water Games
02/22/01 - So This is the Apocalypse
02/22/01 - My Apocalypse Has a First Name..
02/22/01 - Apocalypse Online
02/22/01 - More Apocalypse
02/22/01 - That Darn Apocalypse
02/22/01 - Oh No, It's the Apocalypse
02/22/01 - Meanwhile
02/22/01 - Wishing Clown
02/22/01 - Clown Reflecting
02/22/01 - Surprise Clown
02/22/01 - Conclusion to Airplane Jesus
02/22/01 - Jesus Saves the Day
02/22/01 - Jesus to the Rescue
02/22/01 - Airplane Jesus
02/22/01 - Just One Nut
02/22/01 - More Nuts
02/22/01 - Asking for Nuts
02/22/01 - Got Any Spare Nuts?
02/22/01 - Then He Caught on Fire
02/22/01 - He Died of Starvation
02/22/01 - Legs and I'm Very Hungry
02/22/01 - I Have No
02/22/01 - Amature Night
02/22/01 - For some reason they started clapping
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