Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Dramatis Personae
Andy Dougan film critic extraordinaire. Enjoys illegal pornography and biscuits.
Russell Crowe actor and poet. Husband to a trophy wife. Father to a trophy son.
Huw Edwards BBC news anchor. The Hunky Face of Teatime®.
George W. Bush President. Defended the whorehouses of Houston from the Viet Cong.
Christian Slater certifiable actor. The id to Crowe's ego.
Osama and Mullah Omar fugitives. Kandahar's answer to Bert and Ernie.


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by andydougan
Washington DC, 21st century
Them thar Harry Potter books is leadin' to the DE-cline of decent society! Our children is bein' corrupted!
Los Angeles, 20th century
Like, I am TOTALLY invisible! This spell like SO rocks! And stuff!
Salem, 17th century
Great. They left airholes. Now I'm going to thirst to death.
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