Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am klatuu from the crab nebula... no wait thats the other guy... hehehe funny pictures good
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by anubis_138
After her acting job ended Sara the triceritops finds herself living with Frank
Heyy... hey Sara have you seen my new discombobulator? It can vaporize a planet in 5 milli seconds.. my good buddy George dubbya got it for me
For the love of god Frank do shut up, you know I have a headache.. and besides my programs are on.... just leave me alone
Frank was an alien who worked with the CIA , he always got sara good crack
You haven't been the same since little foot ram off with that slutty dimetredon... we never talk anymore dammit....fuck I am so sick of you
How dare you mention that name in thsi house... you better watch yourself or shove my horn so far up your... hey what are doing
sometimes he got a bit violent... well just a little
Bitch... oh I love this dicombobulator
I'm coming back as a cancerous growth on your sphincter
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