The one eyed-testicle people of the moon titan were sensitive about there resemblance to a sexual body part
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| Look I'll make this easy on you... Just get your creepy little girl ass in the box... non-compliance will result in.... correction | |
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| You don't have the stones you one eyed testicle lookin thing | |
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Despite there resemblce to said body part, the testicle people are cowardly and stupid
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| Look we've been through all of this before, now get in the box before I shoot you with my pain ray................. oh yeah.......yeah......well fine.... errr kzap.....pew,pew,pew.... oh shit | |
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| I'd rather die... go ahead and shoot..... oh wait I forgot... I think this belongs to you | |
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One thing that can be said of the testicle people is that they are excellent sprinters
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| AHHHHH help Sujit..... it stole my battery pack again by the nards of klenthu its gonna get me | |
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| Come back here you one eyed bloodclot..... I ain't gonna hurt you ........I'm just gonna kick you in the ball! | |
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