Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I am klatuu from the crab nebula... no wait thats the other guy... hehehe funny pictures good
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by anubis_138
The one eyed-testicle people of the moon titan were sensitive about there resemblance to a sexual body part
Look I'll make this easy on you... Just get your creepy little girl ass in the box... non-compliance will result in.... correction
You don't have the stones you one eyed testicle lookin thing
Despite there resemblce to said body part, the testicle people are cowardly and stupid
Look we've been through all of this before, now get in the box before I shoot you with my pain ray................. oh yeah.......yeah......well fine.... errr kzap.....pew,pew,pew.... oh shit
I'd rather die... go ahead and shoot..... oh wait I forgot... I think this belongs to you
One thing that can be said of the testicle people is that they are excellent sprinters
AHHHHH help Sujit..... it stole my battery pack again by the nards of klenthu its gonna get me
Come back here you one eyed bloodclot..... I ain't gonna hurt you ........I'm just gonna kick you in the ball!
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