i get some positive feedback. it makes me happy. finally somebody who gets my jokes. thanks chris.
works O YES I love it lOL
the tech guy spent 2 hours not getting the webcam to work. at one point the computer was broken. it's fixed now.
my roommate's off at gencon. i plan to go soon myself. still need to get some work done first
why wont it boot up? why?
chris is gonna make a web page we can post videos at. i did some work on the memo this morning, then wasted the day at myspace again
as deadlines approach, aardvarks feel creative stress
random comments from interesting people keep myspace hopping. the richly textured social fabric helps against social isolation
i called about a job, got a brush-off. sorted paperwork into folders, but couldn't make any progress on my to-do lists. not getting them done, just making the list.