did list: got the gate thingy so roommate can fix it so the dogs can go in the back yard. made a comic. wrote a good blog entry. called to stop the newspaper, since i don't read it. went back to bed.
yesterday, wrote deed draft, some other letter, hung up some clothes, rearranged computers. ran de-net-bugger
vote badnarik, or stay home.
didn't: write a to-do list. call ex or write mom. didn't drop off paperwork in support of motion. didn't write down all this stuff in my head about memo three.
didn't get the deed paperwork. didn't email for sister's new address. didn't clean room. didn't get the hub. didn't bomb the roaches or get an exorcist re the vampires. didn't pay bills.
eureka. but will i remember when i wake up?
just had a great idea for the next memo! could be a winning game plan. worth a shot. woot!
to-do. sleep. outline memo. write to mom. do monthly budget summary. do laundry. maybe call ex. think about why so averse to calls. mediation or prayer. tease chris. catch up blogs. make action plans.