while i ponder this, i'll fix the ramen i had left over from last night, for lunch. i need to eat something now and then, but i forget to. it's chili shrimp flavor, not quite vegetarian.
it's late october. i'm in a new house. so the question is, do i buy halloween stuff or not? i never know if there will be trick or treaters or not
see, the 'vark lives in the ghetto, where there's real scary stuff, so no need to pretend.
but a block away there's families with kids, so maybe they will come by seeking treats, so i should have something besides ramen.
chopsticks and fortune cookies might be a good choice. it's an excuse to go shopping again between then and now.
one more thing for the to-do list. then, if no kids come, i'll have chopsticks and fortune cookies. i try not to get candy. maybe i can find my box of toys someplace. probably at the other house - i..
... went there recently and it was genuinely scary, a depressing unlived in mess.