cc295 was a contest, which has come to an end, about things coming to an end. i'm feeling a little yclempt.
i've been in indy 11 years now. i know the shortcuts, how to beat a ticket, where i can order off the menu.
the bartenders know my drink and my name.
it hasn't worked out that well for me. after i lost my first job, i never found much else, and my law firm crashed and burned, girlfriends leave, guys leave before breakfast, the annual burglary...
so i'm about to start a new town, and i don't know the bus routes or where to park or which thai places aren't so good. i'm having to start all over, and it's going to be hard. i've done it before,
but i was younger and didn't know any better, and had more energy. i'm kinda scared, but have hopes too.