if brad ever gets the button to not have comics show up on the main page, individually, i'll delist this set. meanwhile, to any of my newer readers, these aren't meant to be funny, it's just the ...
just the closest i get to a diary or day planner. Today I did not do anything on my lists. Instead I sayed up all night watching kurosawa's 7 samurai and part of yojimbo.
If you don't know kurusawa, think of these as the magnificent seven (john wayne) and for a few dollars more (clint eastwood) but in japanese.
10 pushups, bought coffee and limes, killed ~100 roaches. read a geeky webcomic called freefall. gonna do a dumpster diving tutorial tonight.
e-mail from my ex. she did her own bankruptcy, because she was losing her house. still lost the house, but she got rid of all those student loans.
so she used the skills she learned in law school to get rid of the debt for the money she borrowed to go to law school.. there's some kind of deep irony there. part of what the loans were for was that
was that semester in london, where she met the guy she left me for.