Today's going pretty well. I think I got the job. Then I stopped in and met the Davids. That went well. Then the cute guy i've been stalking gave me his fone number and we have a date for a driving
lesson and breakfast. I'd offered him breakfast the night i met him at bar 5 years ago, and he said "i'm not hungry. Let's just ****" ok that's not quite what he said but it's the jist.
The first david hit on me twice in the first thre minutes, but i was clear no meant no, we had a wonderful talk for a couple hours. I now know his life story.
They had a good excuse for having stood me up. friend's cute young boyfriend had died, OD. don't do drugs, kids.
now to do a reverse look up on the fone number, so it's a not another fake like kelly last night. ok it's a sprint cell fone in my town, that'll work.
got some groceries, nice email from my exwife, didn't get back to the hardware store today, or finish the memo yet.