so this week i checked the mail, did the dishes, laundry, trash, fed the cats, planted the garden, got a gig, began the process for a july gig, got laid, got a post on slashdot, joined a micronation.
right now i'm really tired and i'd love to crash, but i have to go rescue the varkmobile.
this week i didnt write any memos, open the letter from the federal court, clean the apartment, tell the roommate i'm kicking him out as soon as he makes bail, email some people back
i rarely even left the apartment.
i guess i'm muddling through. I've set my sights low and am attaining my minimal goals. except the part about writing a better to do list. i could be forgetting something big.
#3: lay waste to my enemies and hear the lamentation of their womenfolk. #4: balance checkbook. #5: refill ice tray. #6. find pants.