i'm at the chicago diner on halstead. i havent been here in years. it's one of the only almost-vegan diners in this part of the country. my bus doesn't come till 11:30, so i jumped on a bus to this
part of town, which i usually don't have time for. the bus went by lincoln park zoo and the ntion hq of the elk's club on the way to boystown.
the screening went well. greyhound was ok, the internet worked, i stayed at my usual hotel in my usual room. wanda and nate were there, we did a study together this summer.
i'll know wednesday if i get in. i hung out at starbucks long enough to watch breaking bad which i missed last night.
i'm going to walk around a bit, have a drink or some coffee and take the el back downtown.
so i have about two hours? i don't know my way around these buses and trains yet.