so i went to the post office, the bank, paid some bills. deposited $8000 - a few of my ships came in while i was at the study. $800 in bills. + property tax and a letter from the irs i havent opened.
i brought some plants in from outside - my tomatoes froze while i was away but the houseplants are doing ok. the bedbug spray seems to have worked.
i'm catching up on my korean soap opera 'a little love never hurts'
i need to make a better list. the layers of disorganization are getting out of control.
big plan for tomorrow is bmv to get plates, and see what i need to do to get my license back. friday i have a CLE to go to. i need to make a more current list of memos; the new lawsuit will require,p4,d0
paperwork. it should have gotten served today but i'm worried one form wasn't stamped by the clerk so they may throw the whole thing out.
i grocery shopped, swept the stairs and still want to do laundry. weds: did laundry and trash but nothing else. i was wrong about the bedbugs.