got up around 1, made a 10 item list, did laundry and dishes,swept the stairs, went to the post office and the bank but they were closed today, so was the dentist.
it was a productive trip anyway, bought gas, took recycling in, bought coffee at aldi, dumpster dived 4 boxes of stuff.
i am missing a pitch-in dinner right now because i don't have directions, but i have a barfleet party to go to tonight.
i need to get my brakes fixed, make a better list, file a police report, go to the scrap yard, write a motion for default judgment, water a plant, mail some late presents, revise my tax estimate etc.
i went to the barfleet party, which was ok.stopped by the alleycat in broad ripple and the metro on mass ave. hung out with some drunk 5 boxes of dumpster dived stuff. pies, flowers,