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adventures of an arbitrary aardvark

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by arbi
today, saturday, was a day of rest. i cleaned for 20 minutes maybe and did a load of laundry but otherwise i spent the day in bed on reddiit
i have a cold so that's my flimsy excuse, bed rest and fluids. but i should have been sorting these papers, going over my tax records, being productive, but instead i just lie here and watch judy
garland videos. i had one glass of wine so i can't blame this on being hung over. it's probably the driving and lack of sleep earlier in the week.
sunday i cleaned my room for a couple hours. it does,t look better, but the process is started anyway.set mousetraps, taped up my headphones, ordered a power cord from amazon because i got the wrong
one last time. still need a bath, call mom, sort mail, work on a memo.
didn't do any of that.
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