sunday was pretty bad. i had a flat tire so couldn't work on the storage unit. i have to eat my dinner before it gets cold so i can't make the comic at the same time.
it's monday now and all i did was fix the tire, $7, and stuff online. in my head i wrote a new set for tomorrow night. good discussion with my neighbor mike. he thinks i shold kick out tommy for not
helping. he's probably right. busy schedule all week, hearing 1 pm, plasma 7 am if i'm awake. 3 pm tommy to dr. thursday important lawyer meeting.
wednesday is court, lawyer meeting maybe, then broken lawyer support group. i wrote a new set in my head for standup tuesday if i go.
i should be doing laundry right now but i dont want to get out of bed. i dont have strong goals for the rest of the night, maybe just bed early. ok bath time. heating water. trying not to cry.