Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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i am previously known as arbi.
this is a new account because i misplaced my password. gtbear at gmail.

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by arbitrary
today was my day off. i was up at tommy's. we did a lot of shopping. he gave me 5 pairs of pants. we did 5 loads of laundry. i bought some chuck taylots and a rat trap at a flea market, and we got
him a house plant at lowes, something dog-safe. tommy is not good with plants.
gas now $4.20/gallon. the pho restaurant and vegan bakery were closed because monday. dollar store. we went to two pet stores just browsing. kokomo does not have a zoo.
we went to the oasis, the bar where he was conceived in the parking lot 37 years ago. this was his first time back.
on the way home i scored at 5 of 6 dumpsters so my car is full, will have to unload tomorrow.
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