Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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i am previously known as arbi.
this is a new account because i misplaced my password. gtbear at gmail.

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by arbitrary
friday i picked up my car from the shop $280, i have headlights again. cleaned the car cuz the mechanic insisted. worked 40 minutes on the brief. listened to tesla AI day #2.
saturday so far i edited the brief for an hour at the strip club, checked my po box, dollar store $25, thrift store $15, sub shop $10, laundromat $5, that's a big splurge for me to buy a veggie sub.
mousetraps $5. i'm becoming reckless with money now that i'm rich, compared to my usual miserly habits. still dumpster diving.
i made ice and took out the trash and put out mousetraps. my house has become overrun again when i slacked off the mouse war for a couple months, time to get back at it.
i need to make a list, put away the laundry, clean the front yard, install a storm window over the stained glass window, fix the inner front door, feed the fish, maybe call tommy, call my lawyer, who
is two weeks late on our planned filing date, write a couple more complaints, get the password for my backup computer, stuff like that.
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arbitrary says:

i went to the plasma center but they were closed on saturday, which is not what their sign says.
posted Oct 1st, 2022 ( permalink )

arbitrary says:

turns out they close at 3, which is not what the sign says. i charged my phone, sorted the dollar store stuff with a bag for work, a bag for tommy, and nissin chili ramen for me. that stuff saved my life in jail. i replaced the bulb in the oven, started cleaning the oven, trimmed my beard, took a bath, sorted the avocados, threw away some stuff from the freezer, brought boxes from the car to the front steps, front steps to inside, sorted a few of the boxes. too dark to do more outside. cut down some weeds. temorary fix of inner front door. dishes are soaking. still need to put away laundry, find my other shoe, sort stuff in the inside fridge, take out the trash again. if i put the ramen in the freezer the mice won't get it. found the 4 moustraps i bought, need to deploy them. the clock needs double AA, not triple AAA so i need to look for those. i wish i could be this productive on days when i didn't have coffee. i scored a jar of coffee today in a lucky dumpster. i'd rather find decaf.
posted Oct 1st, 2022 ( permalink )

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