Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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i am previously known as arbi.
this is a new account because i misplaced my password. gtbear at gmail.

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by arbitrary
today i got my plate renewed at the bmv, $71, caught a halloween parade, $5, stopped by work but they didnt need me, cast a provisional vote, did some dumpster diving,
and shortly i'll go donton to see if i can get a ticket to bert's show at market street arena, whatever they call it this week.
i should be unloading the car more than i have done so far. having coffee instead.
bert is the main reason i do standup. i try to catch him live once a year when the tickets arent unreasonably high. i killed a mouse today. the house is overrun because i slacked off for a few months.
i found cookbooks and food and drinks and scrap metal and clothes and a humidifyer. i should call tommy. and wash more dishes and get the kitchen ready for tomorrow.
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arbitrary says:

[–]trailofskittles 1159 points 4 hours ago My cousin vinny permalinkembedsavereportgive awardreply [–]arbivark 1 point 21 minutes ago Seeing that movie started a chain of events which have led me to spend the last 25 years in indiana instead of missouri. permalinkembedsaveparenteditdisable inbox repliesdeletereply [–]ndngroomer [score hidden] 11 minutes ago Well?? Don't leave us hanging! permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive awardreplied [–]arbivark 1 point a minute ago ok. this was spring break, maybe 1992, or 1991. in or near rehoboth delaware. i come out of the movie, i'm headed north on rt 1. i get a speeding ticket. no problem. but he also gives me a ticket for not having insurance or registration or something, that i did have. so i kind of get into with the prosecutor, and it takes me about a year to get that dismissed. during that year my license was suspended, so i got a ticket for driving with a suspended license. $25 fine, a hour in jail in poland mo. i finish law school and take the bar exam, but they won't tell me if i passed. they have concerns about my character and fitness. now, the driving while suspended was by no means the only red flag in my background, but it concerned them, and they turned me down. i had already passed the bar in indiana, which i had taken for fun/for practice. so i moved to indiana, and i'm still here.
posted Oct 29th, 2022 ( permalink )

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