Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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i am previously known as arbi.
this is a new account because i misplaced my password. gtbear at gmail.

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by arbitrary
friday i got very little done. i got up in time to go to the post office before it closed but the bank was already closed, and i got a few groceries and came home, but otherwise i was just in bed
online all day. i have a lot of days like that.
not online working. mostly reddit, and i watched the pope of grenwich village, a not very good movie.
tomorrow i'll do plasma, sunday i might go to the race, monday i work both my jobs. oh, i did read some supreme court case from yesterday and looked up some briefs,but nothing billable.
i microwaved some dinner and drank a bunch of coffee and ate some gummy vitamins. so that was my day.
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