Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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Hi, I'm arsg, all my comics suck

The Very Best Of areallystupidguy

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It appears Frank's made a new friend...
Stop following me.
everytime i smoke bot im likke nam tis shit is tewnty years out f st6le.
but oh-ho! frank has a plan!
sayyyyy...are you a sinner? would you like to join satan's legion of the damned?
The Dawn of Sawn is Encroaching. That heart ; that cordias in your chest man or women or gay,; that synergy in the center of your breast, that is Saun; each beat each blood additive, Kemp is the reign
hooray for the dark side!
...I'll take that as a yes! enjoy your new job!
beerr doesnt make you fat its the additives of beer that does like Bar-b-que? You kemp?
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areallystupidguy says:

It perplexes me why I sent Saunkemp to hell if I thought he was so awesome. Perhaps I didn't do it at all, and Frank was controlling me from beyond this realm. That must also be why I killed so many people around this time, and why all these comics are so terrible. And why I began throwing things at pregnant women while playing a tuba and calling myself a one-man-band/abortion-clinic.
posted Nov 26th, 2006 ( permalink )

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