Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Hi, I'm arsg, all my comics suck
The Very Best Of areallystupidguy
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three little one panel comics
i should slice the arms off of everyone in my school.
i'm way ahead of you.
and then he takes the beehive and...
why are all our conversations about cars, hot dogs, and the guy from jackass who puts stuff up his butt?
so what do you think? the cowboys gonna go all the way this year?
shouldn't you know that?
areallystupidguy's Comics
05/20/17 - Skull on the Lam
05/20/17 - Lluks & Raindrop at Home!
05/19/17 - Skull in Jail
05/19/17 - Skull in Jail
05/19/17 - The Lluks & Raindrop Show!
05/19/17 - The Skull & Raindrop Show!
05/19/17 - The Skull & Raindrop Show!
12/29/15 - The Hard Questions
03/25/14 - Pizza Oven
03/25/14 - What's-her-face
03/25/14 - Best Man
03/24/14 - Nerd Beer Run
07/24/12 - Burned
12/24/11 - The Spirit of Giving
12/23/11 - World Hunger
12/15/11 - A New Tradition
12/15/11 - The manger
12/14/11 - The Return of the Damnable Dr. ATTGHIP
12/14/11 - The Damnable Dr. Always-Tries-To-Guess-His-Presents
04/01/10 - not again
03/29/10 - I made 5 comics in 2009
05/04/09 - how to tell if chris hansen is a pedophile
05/04/09 - how to tell if santa is a pedophile 2
05/04/09 - how to tell if santa is a pedophile
05/04/09 - how to tell if your doctor is a pedophile
05/04/09 - arsg's life
10/29/08 - how to tell if your pedophile is a PE teacher
10/24/08 - how to tell if a tentacle monster is a pedophile
10/24/08 - how to tell if your math teacher is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your best friend is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your mom is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your principal is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your chemistry teacher is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your geography teacher is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your mailman is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your art teacher is a pedophile
10/23/08 - how to tell if your PE teacher is a pedophile
10/22/08 - he's a little confused
10/03/08 - The Return Of Hippie?!
10/03/08 - roomies
08/16/08 - Skull & Raindrop: Retirement Follies!
08/16/08 - Skull & Raindrop: Retirement Follies!
08/16/08 - Skull & Raindrop: Retirement Follies!
08/16/08 - Skull & Raindrop: Retirement Follies!
05/24/08 - Mr. Mailman
03/08/08 - RIP pluto
12/25/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - FINAL
12/14/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 7
12/04/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 6
12/01/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 5
12/01/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 4
12/01/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 3
11/30/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 2
11/30/07 - Lupus Awareness Man Saves Christmas - Part 1
11/30/07 - gamer girlfriend
11/30/07 - BTC templecore
11/28/07 - BTC 66
06/09/07 - The Skull And Raindrop Show! The Grand Finale
04/12/07 - The Worst Dad Ever
04/01/07 - Discrimination
03/27/07 - Girls
02/12/07 - Abuse
02/04/07 - I don't know
01/08/07 - School Drama
01/01/07 - The Amazing Stereotype Woman
12/22/06 - Video Games
12/03/06 - Online Dating
12/02/06 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
08/26/06 - Confession
08/10/06 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
08/01/06 - The Eagles
08/01/06 - The Eagles
08/01/06 - The Eagles
08/01/06 - The Eagles
07/07/06 - at a party
06/23/06 - stupidguy & ausrotten 4
06/23/06 - stupidguy and ausrotten 2
06/14/06 - These Years, Like Sand Between My Fingers
06/12/06 - Period
05/29/06 - Big Mel 2
05/29/06 - Big Mel
04/14/06 - Men: A Retrospective
04/04/06 - Junkie Pete And The Blind
04/04/06 - Junkie Pete
04/04/06 - Reality Check?
04/01/06 - My Friends
02/16/06 - Sore Throat
02/08/06 - Plumbers
02/07/06 - Valentine's Day
02/04/06 - My Friends Vs. Intelligent Conversation
01/11/06 - Meanwhile, At The Nudist Colony...
11/25/05 - The Fancy Genie
11/20/05 - Comic Cup: Titanic
11/15/05 - The Breakup
10/30/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/30/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/29/05 - Drugs And Halloween
10/01/05 - CC 299
09/13/05 - Meeting My Friend's New Girlfriend
09/04/05 - The Biggest Gangsta On The Planet
08/28/05 - My Friends
08/26/05 - Saddam Vs. Bush
08/18/05 - Ugh?
08/08/05 - They brought an apple, I brought a protective cup
07/30/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show! 2nd Anniversary Spectacular
07/30/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show! 2nd Anniversary Spectacular
07/30/05 - The Skull Show!
07/30/05 - The Lance And Raindrop Show!
07/26/05 - Lupus Awareness Man On The Job
06/13/05 - The Skull Show!
06/11/05 - Hitler Hillbilly And The Weapons Of Marsh Destruction!
06/10/05 - The Lance And Raindrop Show!
06/09/05 - Oh My! It's The Incredible Brick Breath!
06/09/05 - Can't Eat Spicy Foods Man And The Bomb!
06/08/05 - The Skull Show!
06/06/05 - The Lance And Raindrop Show!
06/06/05 - The Skull Show!
06/06/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
06/06/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
05/20/05 - Queer Eye For The Straight Guy: Deleted Scene
05/17/05 - My Friends Vs. Intelligence
05/17/05 - My Friends Vs. Intelligence
05/14/05 - CC (Thinking Fellers Union Local) 282: Untitled
05/14/05 - My Friends Vs. Intelligence
04/15/05 - Captain Superhero Complains About His Working Conditions!
03/26/05 - Lupus Awareness Man's Greatest Battle Yet
03/26/05 - Lupus Awareness Man's Worst Enemy
03/25/05 - My Friends Vs. Humor
03/15/05 - Weight Loss
02/20/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
02/20/05 - The Adventures Of Tom, The Guy With No Communication Skills
02/06/05 - Immature
01/08/05 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
12/30/04 - i've had this exact conversation thousands of times.
12/27/04 - Freddy the Intern
12/26/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show (Bite-Size)!
12/23/04 - Most high school parties end like this...
12/23/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
12/23/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
12/23/04 - Love really stinks.
12/19/04 - Lupus Awareness Man Is Passionate About His Work
12/19/04 - Nobody Messes With Lupus Awareness Man
12/19/04 - Lupus Awareness Man Enlightens Someone
12/19/04 - Lupus Awareness Man At The Spelling Bee
12/19/04 - Lupus Awareness Man!
12/12/04 - Most high school conversations are like this...
12/05/04 - Most high school parties are like this.
12/03/04 - Tis The Season
11/24/04 - Carl And Clark's Guide To Happiness
11/19/04 - Fun With Bondage
10/23/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/21/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/17/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/17/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/17/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/17/04 - Time for a car trip
09/10/04 - Sam gets laid
08/17/04 - Smooth Operator
08/16/04 - Clearing House
08/09/04 - this happened to me, and now i'm scared.
08/06/04 - FTC 41: Brainwashed
08/03/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. Maturity
08/01/04 - the innocence of children
07/30/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show! 1st Anniversary Spectacular
07/29/04 - BTC 12: The Birth Of A Twat
07/29/04 - BTC 12
07/28/04 - Because she's worth it
07/24/04 - At a Party
07/23/04 - Fear Factor in 3 Panels
07/22/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
07/21/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
07/17/04 - CBS 2004 Fall Lineup Preview: "Furry Friends"
07/17/04 - CBS 2004 Fall Lineup Preview: "Days With Dahmer"
07/13/04 - Carl and Clark 3
07/09/04 - An Intelligent Message from ARSG!
07/09/04 - Carl and Clark 2
07/08/04 - Carl and Clark
07/03/04 - suicide note
06/22/04 - Fumigation
06/20/04 - Dr. Mario
06/16/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. LAMO
06/06/04 - What Life was Really Like in the Dark Ages 2
06/06/04 - What Life was Really Like in the Dark Ages
05/16/04 - Videogame Cliche 5
05/16/04 - Videogame Cliche 4
05/16/04 - Videogame Cliche 3
05/16/04 - Videogame Cliche 2
05/16/04 - Videogame Cliche
05/08/04 - In Which Michael Moore gets his Legs Crushed
05/07/04 - there's something she isn't telling him...
05/07/04 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
03/25/04 - Comments on Comments
03/18/04 - Hey baby, where's your sign?
03/17/04 - inspiration and intoxication 2
03/16/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. The Generation Gap
03/14/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. Life
03/12/04 - the miracle of life
03/01/04 - reminisce (or however you spell that)
02/26/04 - §§§§§§§§300§§§§§§§§
02/24/04 - License Plates are Stupid
02/22/04 - Physics Physics
02/21/04 - insensitive? or just stupid?
02/19/04 - happy really late valentine's day
02/17/04 - i fear for my life.
02/13/04 - Yu-Gi-Oh
02/09/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. The Bush Administration
02/09/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. The Ninjas
02/09/04 - Wisdom Spaniard Vs. Religion
02/09/04 - Wisdom Spaniard
02/03/04 - Q: Are we not men? A: We have Tivo!
02/02/04 - jumping the gun (this one sucks)
01/25/04 - stupid people who aren't me (vol. 1)
01/22/04 - street performance
01/20/04 - Otogi: Myth of Demons
01/19/04 - semester exams
01/15/04 - Shrooms
01/07/04 - the fourway!!!1!! part three of 4
01/07/04 - chinups
01/04/04 - i think im bored...
01/03/04 - i think he's desperate...
12/30/03 - i dunno. i'm bored.
12/29/03 - CC 226: addiction
12/29/03 - Why I Hate Aston Kutcher
12/29/03 - That 70s Show
12/28/03 - Spread the word
12/25/03 - Prostitution for Fun and Profit
12/22/03 - what to do when you run out of drugs
12/21/03 - Why I Hate Drummer Jokes
12/21/03 - CC 225: Nine drummers dumbing
12/21/03 - you are sixteen going seventeen
12/15/03 - The Survivor Season Finale
12/14/03 - Jason Calls Home for the Holidays
12/14/03 - Blue Guy Calls Home for the Holidays
12/13/03 - Slut Girl Calls Home for the Holidays
12/13/03 - Hippie Calls Home for the Holidays
12/12/03 - she's on to him.
12/12/03 - Go Out and Play
12/08/03 - life of a random encounter! 4
12/08/03 - life of a random encounter! 3
12/07/03 - life of a random encounter! 2
12/07/03 - the life of a random encounter!
12/05/03 - No Proof
12/05/03 - Songs I Hate
12/01/03 - +5 Comic of Protection (costs 350 GP)
11/30/03 - my computer is trying to kill me
11/30/03 - Playing checkers
11/29/03 - Why I Hate Golf
11/29/03 - a pokemon comic!
11/29/03 - My Christmas Schedule
11/28/03 - CC XI: The Rabbit and the Ticket Scalper
11/27/03 - Happy Thankgiving (a comic)
11/26/03 - Everquest
11/22/03 - Why I Hate Tourists
11/21/03 - Vampire Hunter D
11/17/03 - What is sexy?
11/16/03 - CC 221: its 3 AM and im still super bored
11/16/03 - Why I Hate Blender Magazine
11/15/03 - Why I Hate Arby's
11/14/03 - I am a Drummer
11/14/03 - Weird Science
11/11/03 - A Story with a Moral (the remake)
11/10/03 - nihilist (it took me a while to find out what that meant)
11/09/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
11/07/03 - good old days
11/07/03 - Funeral Funnies
11/07/03 - Comic Cup XI round 2
11/06/03 - do this. it is really fun.
11/03/03 - rap sucks
11/03/03 - The Aron-Something Story
11/02/03 - short temper
11/01/03 - Bubble Bobble is the Coolest Game Ever
11/01/03 - inspiration and intoxication
10/31/03 - obligatory halloween comic
10/31/03 - clubbing
10/30/03 - montana totally sucks.
10/29/03 - my translation of that one guy's comic in the RMDC
10/28/03 - Presidential Election Outlook
10/27/03 - cafeteria food is nasty.
10/26/03 - friends are annoying
10/25/03 - Courtney Love: The Comic Book
10/25/03 - a lovely walk
10/23/03 - LL: In which an alien finds a carrot top.
10/23/03 - how arcade games go out of order
10/23/03 - it's 3:00 AM and i'm super bored again
10/23/03 - ask me if im an alligator
10/23/03 - Tapeworms: The Movie
10/22/03 - its the most wonderful tiiiime of the year.
10/21/03 - Webcam
10/20/03 - Romeo and Juliet
10/19/03 - concience
10/19/03 - a crisis averted
10/19/03 - dayquil
10/19/03 - weird.
10/17/03 - Comic Cup XI: it's all ben franklin's fault.
10/16/03 - The News' Hidden Plot
10/15/03 - CC 216: i DOUBLE dog dare ya!
10/14/03 - §§§§§§200§§§§§§
10/14/03 - sam gets with the times: part 2
10/14/03 - sam gets with the times: part 1
10/13/03 - his name is frank
10/12/03 - Mongoose
10/11/03 - watching the news
10/11/03 - CC215: Hey Arnold!
10/11/03 - The Skull Show!
10/09/03 - Jason: The Return
10/07/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
10/06/03 - CC 214: Amish Paradise
10/05/03 - Trenchcoat Sam and the Case of the Something
10/05/03 - CC 214: jealousy isn't loving and kind
10/04/03 - Captain Superhero's Most Riveting Adventure Yet!
10/04/03 - bad dudes
10/03/03 - the job loss that bettered a thousand moods
10/03/03 - Enter the Slime Guy
10/02/03 - new kaddar! heck yeah!
10/01/03 - japan looks cool.
09/30/03 - jason is a great friend
09/29/03 - people are dumb
09/28/03 - CC 213: drastic measures
09/28/03 - those spiky bracelet things are really cool
09/28/03 - radio?
09/27/03 - crazy people
09/27/03 - jack and jill
09/26/03 - a dateless loser
09/25/03 - a waste is a terrible thing to mind
09/23/03 - three little one panel comics
09/22/03 - still more pokemon
09/22/03 - GIMME 20!
09/22/03 - jason is helpful
09/22/03 - The Skull Show!
09/22/03 - homecoming week. good god, no.
09/22/03 - bite me.
09/20/03 - "real fun"
09/20/03 - perfect blue is really really scary
09/18/03 - heeere's your sign.
09/17/03 - i don't like pokemon. really.
09/17/03 - based on an actual conversation
09/16/03 - fond remembrance
09/15/03 - warts
09/14/03 - HAPPY NOODLE BOY! #2
09/14/03 - HAPPY NOODLE BOY! #1
09/14/03 - three panels of FUN!
09/14/03 - "X-treme" sports games
09/13/03 - you have to admit, he has a point.
09/13/03 - peer pressure
09/13/03 - mousepad?
09/13/03 - the thing about tekken
09/13/03 - at the gym
09/13/03 - how to lose weight FAST!
09/12/03 - i don't think
09/12/03 - short attention span
09/12/03 - i fell into a burnin' ring of fire
09/11/03 - britney
09/11/03 - magic tricks
09/11/03 - happy 9-11!
09/10/03 - detention
09/09/03 - the national keyboard art chamionships
09/09/03 - flashbacks
09/09/03 - hitmen
09/09/03 - go kill people
09/08/03 - EAT IT, saddam!
09/08/03 - Saddam's plan
09/08/03 - lunchtime with slut girl
09/08/03 - its 3:00 AM and im super bored
09/07/03 - the origin of AxeSquirrel
09/07/03 - Stupid, stupid roomate creatures
09/06/03 - The Konami Code
09/06/03 - that mutilation thing
09/06/03 - you are pac-man!
09/06/03 - Pac-Man
09/06/03 - Chop-SockyFighter II: Ultra Turbo Edition Directors Cut
09/05/03 - The Philadelphia Serial Killer Convention
09/05/03 - The Far Side: NOW WITH DRUGGIES
09/05/03 - The Retarded Lesbian Joke You've Already Heard
09/04/03 - the discovery channel!
09/03/03 - The Skull Show!
09/03/03 - The Skull Show!
09/03/03 - Diets and Dating
09/02/03 - a day at the masturbation support clinic
09/02/03 - here's another pokemon strip!
09/02/03 - a lame joke (kinda funny)
09/02/03 - damn, i really hate that one ultra-catchy ricky martin song.
09/01/03 - Goodbye Rocker, Hello Fish.
08/31/03 - go away
08/31/03 - Rockers in my bedroom
08/31/03 - sam buys some new CDs
08/31/03 - is grunge dead? part 5. the final chapter
08/31/03 - is grunge dead? part 4
08/31/03 - is grunge dead? part 3
08/31/03 - is grunge dead? part 2
08/31/03 - is grunge dead? part 1
08/31/03 - I know how you feel sam, I know how you feel.
08/30/03 - depressing poetry
08/30/03 - The Skull Show!
08/30/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
08/29/03 - THE HIPPIE BLASTER 4000
08/29/03 - Cancerman gets fired!
08/29/03 - It's a sick, sick world
08/28/03 - 100 comics! thanky, thanky...
08/27/03 - WWJD? (what would jason do?)
08/26/03 - Nobody feels like being saved today.
08/26/03 - Saddam almost kills Bush
08/26/03 - Hooray for Cancerman!
08/26/03 - A Message from CANCERMAN!
08/26/03 - Frank returns!
08/26/03 - J.Lo's ass is frickin HUGE!
08/26/03 - blue guy meets an alien!
08/26/03 - Jesus and Satan
08/25/03 - New teacher!
08/25/03 - Parent Teacher Thing! (now with backgrounds!)
08/24/03 - Complaints
08/24/03 - evil guy reads some fan-mail!
08/24/03 - Eggichokes
08/24/03 - psychic willie explains!
08/24/03 - Pirates!
08/23/03 - Hentai!
08/23/03 - Another stupid pokemon comic
08/22/03 - POKEMON!!!1!
08/22/03 - hippie is really really dumb
08/22/03 - hippie is really dumb.
08/21/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
08/21/03 - Not based on a true story but it probably could be.
08/18/03 - Jason is crazy.
08/18/03 - psychic willie meets jason
08/18/03 - the adventures of psychic willie
08/18/03 - Sam gets fired!
08/18/03 - Hulk Smash!
08/16/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
08/16/03 - Hippie is a dumbass
08/16/03 - Happy Valentines Day!
08/13/03 - the land shark! joy to SNL!
08/13/03 - The world explodes
08/08/03 - Hippie gets psychic powers
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason #8
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason #7
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason #6
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason! #5!
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason #4!
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason #3
08/04/03 - Jason vs. Freddy #2
08/04/03 - Freddy vs. Jason #1
08/03/03 - Slut Girl! episode 3: the gripping conclusion thing!
08/03/03 - Slut Girl! part 2: the ironic irony
08/03/03 - Slut Girl! arosed from tha dead!
08/03/03 - Anti-Depressants
08/02/03 - yes, hippie, you do need ear surgery.
08/02/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
08/01/03 - jason suffers a misunderstaning
08/01/03 - ear surgery is good for your ears
07/31/03 - Blue guy's weird neighbors: Saunkemp
07/31/03 - you and your big mouth: a legend reborn
07/31/03 - evil guy is a dirty cheating jerk
07/31/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
07/30/03 - embarrassment be upon you, evil guy!
07/30/03 - either hes really dumb or hes too lovestruck to think right
07/30/03 - chat room fun!
07/30/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
07/30/03 - The Skull And Raindrop Show!
07/30/03 - door to door seller people
07/30/03 - sam kills his cheating girlfriend: part 4
07/30/03 - sam deals with relationship problems: part 3
07/30/03 - sam deals with relaionship problems: part 2
07/30/03 - Sam deals with relationship problems: part 1
07/30/03 - the drugs must be going to his brain...
07/30/03 - this is why drugs are bad kids.
07/30/03 - This is the story of a boy and his robot...
07/30/03 - Vote BUSH in 2004!
07/30/03 - World Cyber Games! the thrilling final battle!
07/30/03 - World Cyber Games!
07/30/03 - Live from TRL... er, iraq...
07/30/03 - frank visits washington dc (part 12: the saga ends)
07/30/03 - frank visits washington dc (part 11: frank harvests a soul)
07/29/03 - Frank visits washington dc (part 10: frank solves a problem)
07/29/03 - Frank visits Washington DC! (part 9 or something)
07/29/03 - So much for that...
07/29/03 - Jason gets married
07/03/03 - Jason kills everyone in a gas station. family fun!
04/30/03 - hippie saves the world: a one-panel-comic that's really dumb
04/30/03 - what's everyone doing?
04/21/03 - Frank Visits Washington DC! (Part 7! i think...)
04/21/03 - You and your big mouth
04/18/03 - Frank Visits Washington DC (part 7!)
04/18/03 - Frank goes to Washington DC (Part 6)
04/18/03 - Frank visits Washington DC (Part 5!!)
04/18/03 - tutored by a hippie (part 3!)
04/18/03 - Frank visits Washinton (Part 4!)
04/18/03 - Frank Goes to Washington DC (Part 3!)
01/16/03 - tutored by a hippie (part 2)
01/16/03 - tutored by a hippie
01/15/03 - Frank Goes to washington DC (part 2!)
01/15/03 - The perfect thing to say when people insult you
01/14/03 - Stand Up Comedy
01/14/03 - mmmm....marshmallows starring:Frank!
01/14/03 - A cruel Steryotype or two
01/14/03 - Frank goes to Washington DC (part one)
01/14/03 - The Story with a moral (includes graphic gore and violence!)
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