US troops in the Sunni triangle -
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| Looks like dem Beltway boorocrats decreed us some r'n'r bout hunderd klicks down in Koowait City. Let's go fishin'! | |
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| Woooop-woooop-woooop-wooop-wooop-woooop-woop-woop! | |
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| What what what what what's this, Jenkins, eh? Got your arm blown off in that minefield, have we? Well, I imagine it'll need medical attention, but not before you've warmed my toilet seat. Carry on. | |
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And, of course, the Poles...
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| Vot this, you vaant to get into your house, down ze street, eh? I spit on your house! You think ve Slavs know fuck nothing about how to gets things done - I tell you, ve know fuck all! | |
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| Mehmet just wanting go online, read silly cartoon about Micheal Howard... | |
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