Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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YIELD, a superb game for boys, Yield involves one person (or possibly more, four- and five-player Yield still being in the developmental stages) attempting to balance for as long as possible by supporting himself upon the shoulders of two others as they walk along. The first one to ‘yield’ is the loser. Yield is catching on around the world, and is an excellent, wholesome and enjoyable way for young lads to pass the time and build up their upper body strength, and the cry of, “comin’ out for a game of yield, Howard?” can now be heard from Lochranza to Ahmedabad.
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US troops in the Sunni triangle -
Looks like dem Beltway boorocrats decreed us some r'n'r bout hunderd klicks down in Koowait City. Let's go fishin'!
UK forces in Basra -
What what what what what's this, Jenkins, eh? Got your arm blown off in that minefield, have we? Well, I imagine it'll need medical attention, but not before you've warmed my toilet seat. Carry on.
Very good, Colonel.
And, of course, the Poles...
Vot this, you vaant to get into your house, down ze street, eh? I spit on your house! You think ve Slavs know fuck nothing about how to gets things done - I tell you, ve know fuck all!
Mehmet just wanting go online, read silly cartoon about Micheal Howard...
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