Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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YIELD, a superb game for boys, Yield involves one person (or possibly more, four- and five-player Yield still being in the developmental stages) attempting to balance for as long as possible by supporting himself upon the shoulders of two others as they walk along. The first one to ‘yield’ is the loser. Yield is catching on around the world, and is an excellent, wholesome and enjoyable way for young lads to pass the time and build up their upper body strength, and the cry of, “comin’ out for a game of yield, Howard?” can now be heard from Lochranza to Ahmedabad.
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Me as an young boy -
Whit dae ye waant fer Christmas, son?
A massive statue of myself, atop the highest pillar in the land.
Me in the present day -
Who'd you reckon they should have on the empty plinth in Trafalgar Square? Nelson Mandela?
No. Me.
Me on my deathbed -
How shall we spend your fortune, father? How do you wish to be remembered?
Build great statues of me, peering towards the horizon, with a book in one hand and a sword in the other, and build them tall in every square in every city in Europe and throughout the world.
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